Mephisto Genetics Dr. Danklove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Coco Hempy

Mar 8, 2016
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Howdy, everyone. Farmer Jebediah here. I have read on this forum for a while now, but am just now posting for the first time. I wanted to wait until I had a better grasp on things to really join the conversation.

So, I'm 37 days into my first grow. I have a Dutch Passion AutoDurban Poison (sorry - hope you don't mind her here :p) and a Fantasmo Express in 5 gallon Coco coir + growstone hempy buckets with reservoirs at the 2-inch mark.

I also have 2 Sour Hounds sharing one bucket - these girls are getting a bit of experimentation/torture. One has been topped and the other has been fimmed. I am LST-ing and even defoliating a bit to keep them from growing towards each other. I have to say, they look pretty healthy relative to the stress they should be feeling. Really resilient gals. I just pray that they don't get rootbound, but at this point, I feel confident that they won't.

In a 1-gallon Hempy, I have a dead Toofless Alien seedling. ): I'm going to either pop a Sour Blues in there or wait for the Artisanal drops. Haven't decided yet. I'm very excited for Bear OG.

Approximately 1m^2 tent
2 Mars 600s.

Feeding: Superthrive for seedlings/veg, Canna A/B, CalMag +, PK13/14, and Molasses in flowering.

Feed at every watering, water to waste. Had some problems with fungus gnats, so I'm letting the top of the coco dry before watering now.

Will update with pictures soon.
Sour Hounds receiving abuse :D.
Fantasmo Express a little stressed by the slight pest problem (especially because she usually drinks the most). I have it under control, and she'll be happy as a clam by Wednesday.
hey farmer jeb, good looking grow. The coco/ grow stone combination sounds interesting to me. What percentage of each? I have done several hempy grows but only with perlite.
It's pure coco coir above the reservoir, pure growstones in the reservoir for drainage. Next time, I think it'd be best to do full growstones in the reservoir, 50/50 perlite/Coco in the middle for additional drainage, and pure coco in the top 4 inches or so for better early root growth. It hasn't been a perfect grow, but I really like the Coco Hempy. I don't think other growing mediums would have been so forgiving to me. :p
Just got back from a long, unenjoyable doctor's visit. Makes me all the more encouraged to grow my medicine as well as possible.

So, a quick measurement shows that my Fantasmo Express is 22 inches! A good number of colas are developing. Bugs are still around and the coco still isn't dry, so I'll water/feed them and treat with neem oil tomorrow.

Question: Will nitrogen heavy (a/b) or phosphorus heavy (pk 13/14) help give my Fantasmo the biggest boost in stretching her colas? Any recommended doses of calmag, A/B, and PK 13/14 in coco during this?
Howdy, everyone. Farmer Jebediah here. I have read on this forum for a while now, but am just now posting for the first time. I wanted to wait until I had a better grasp on things to really join the conversation.

So, I'm 37 days into my first grow. I have a Dutch Passion AutoDurban Poison (sorry - hope you don't mind her here :p) and a Fantasmo Express in 5 gallon Coco coir + growstone hempy buckets with reservoirs at the 2-inch mark.

I also have 2 Sour Hounds sharing one bucket - these girls are getting a bit of experimentation/torture. One has been topped and the other has been fimmed. I am LST-ing and even defoliating a bit to keep them from growing towards each other. I have to say, they look pretty healthy relative to the stress they should be feeling. Really resilient gals. I just pray that they don't get rootbound, but at this point, I feel confident that they won't.

In a 1-gallon Hempy, I have a dead Toofless Alien seedling. ): I'm going to either pop a Sour Blues in there or wait for the Artisanal drops. Haven't decided yet. I'm very excited for Bear OG.

Approximately 1m^2 tent
2 Mars 600s.

Feeding: Superthrive for seedlings/veg, Canna A/B, CalMag +, PK13/14, and Molasses in flowering.

Feed at every watering, water to waste. Had some problems with fungus gnats, so I'm letting the top of the coco dry before watering now.

Will update with pictures soon.

I'd upgrade the hempy for that toofless alien. Mine got big. And not done yet. Fewer weeks to go. 1 gal won't do them justice. I see your seedling is dead but if you start another.... (And I sure would!)

Just got back from a long, unenjoyable doctor's visit. Makes me all the more encouraged to grow my medicine as well as possible.

So, a quick measurement shows that my Fantasmo Express is 22 inches! A good number of colas are developing. Bugs are still around and the coco still isn't dry, so I'll water/feed them and treat with neem oil tomorrow.

Question: Will nitrogen heavy (a/b) or phosphorus heavy (pk 13/14) help give my Fantasmo the biggest boost in stretching her colas? Any recommended doses of calmag, A/B, and PK 13/14 in coco during this?

I've only got a couple years in this but I back off nitrogen in flowering phase. Also haven't had calmag issues once past the veg phase. I'm using GH maxibloom as my base but i have some liquid Koolbloom so I gave mine some twice when early flowering. Now that I'm about two weeks out, I gave them a dose of dry Koolbloom. One more feeding tomorrow and I'll be backing down nutes for finish.
Gorgeous plants @gardenhackle ! Sadly, out of my 2 Toofless Alien seeds, one didn't germinate and the other is the dead one. ); I think I'm just gonna wait until the Artisanals come out and save my Sour Blues for later. Probably order another Toofless, too. I really wanna try her.

I looked at my plants and decided based on leaf color and petioles that they'd be thirsty for one more big, high-nitrogen feeding. They reacted really well, looking healthier and shooting up an inch and a half in a day. Now I'm going to start pulling back on the N and pushing the PK.
They're stretching finely. I'm glad! I have sprayed them with insecticide soap spray stuff and turned off the lights for a bit. My heart tells me that tonight, they need to drink PK. Haha, but maybe I am just high? I'll trust my instinct. :shooty:
This afternoon, I went out onto my balcony where I had left my dead Toofless Alien. All of a sudden, she's showing healthy growth. Given how stunted she is, it's probably mostly a waste, but I think I'm going to go ahead and nurture this Zombie.