Dutch Passion DP Think Different with GN HS1

She looks super healthy. Maybe she will go a bit longer. There is a pheno that tends to go longer, like 90-100 days. They're usually rewarding yield wise.

100 days?! That would be a real shock after the super rapid blueberry! She does seem a little slow though so you may well be right, that or I've just got something wrong and held her back.

This training business is a little addictive, there is always something a little out of place that could be tied down...
Day 28

Quick update, I've been a bit of an idiot, it was consistently too cold in the tent, highs of about 25 degrees and down to 18 with lights off. I shifted the extract to 50% of the time yesterday and temperatures are more stable back up between 25 and 28. She's had a noticeable spurt. Gave her 1L with 1ml grow and 1ml cal mag, lets hope she keeps on going!


You're getting serious with the bondage, I like it :naughtystep::woohoo1:

I have a vague plan to keep her tied down and opened out for a little longer then stop and let her stretch up from a level(ish) base. So it should chill out soon!

I have to say I love a bit of bondage too... Just in time for a good stretch! Good luck mate.

Thanks man! Glad you dropped in, make yourself at home.
I have a vague plan to keep her tied down and opened out for a little longer then stop and let her stretch up from a level(ish) base. So it should chill out soon!

Yeah thats the beauty of doing the early work, once the stretch starts you can just sit back and enjoy, a little tweaking here and there maybe, your training looks solid mate. :greenthumb: