Dutch Passion DP Think Different 4x4 tent 1000w MH/HPS DWC Giddy UP!!

Thanks, I'll post some updated pics tonight. They are insane.

One is definately a different pheno. All the rest in the scrog (4) are just about equal in size etc and age. one is just nuts, it won't stop growing, up and up and up. the shoots are so damn long almost up to the light. It looks funny to see how it is growing in the corner of the scrog. This one was just starting to bud a bit more recently, the others have really kicked into bud mode. They all look healthy as hell, so lets get some weight!!!

Standby for pics later.
Nice one MFM, where is the scrog???? I think that the TD ate it!!!!!
I know right!!, Funny thing too is that the huge one on the corner, that has been under the scrog and the main shoots that went outside the screen are still being tied down with some lst string. Those damn shoots in the middle are just when I said frig it and I had nowhere left to stretch the plant and it looks like I never even used scrog on that plant. CaaaaRRRaaaazy, shit!!

Oh my :jaw: they have gone wild. :slap:
Thanks Bro!! Much appreciated, I must be doing something wrong? Or maybe not.....
Last Night spent some time trimming under brush out from under the scrog. Opened it up nicely. Maybe get some pics tomorrow.
The scrog looks great,im realy goin to hav a go at it soon. Cant wait to see a mass of Buds :drool: Great growin m8..:smokebuds: