It`s update time!
DAY 39
General information:
39 days in, watering 0,5-1L a day. Plants have recovered nicely from flushing, now stretching. Air temperature is still a problem, since the Mars unit radiates a lot of heat (28-30C at canopy) and it is not the hottest part of the summer yet.
Personal notes:
Visually i like the GN cabinet the most, there is no problems whatsoever – temps are nice, plants have no chlorosis or necrosis signs. Mars Hydro cabinet starts to show some problems (cal-mg i presume) on the lower fan leaves. Hans LED shows no problems either, but my gut feeling tells me that there is not enough light intensity. Should be 480 true Watts, but it does not feel like it. Feeding everyone the same and test shows that these different lights cause different water and nutrient uptake.
GN cabinet: AX 76cm, AX 68cm, AU 80cm, AU 90cm;
Mars Hydro: AX 68cm, AX 97cm, AU 87cm, AU 71cm;
Hans LED: AX 98cm, AX 109cm, AU 93cm, AU 76cm;
Temperature: 28-30C
Rh: 45-55%
Trying to dial in the water intake, optimum turgor pressure is different with different lights, so i recon it will take some more grows with these genetics, to dial it in properly.