Outdoor DP AUTOMAZAR (highly recomended!)

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Fuck man the SPAM twats are out in force today
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oh yeah... spammers are tons of fun. and look how sneaky they are getting. i barely noticed it was a spam, and i totally believe him and i sure will send some money his way. (bump) :) :) get a proper marketing campaign u cheap ass sons a b... :)
Anyways...a few weeks till chop-down.
So how old are these mazars? I paid mine a visit today and they are about the same height as yours with same bud development -though yours has more buds overall, my site does not have great sun, I started them indoors and put them out after 3 weeks. Mine are 46 days, I am expecting they might take 12-13weeks overall, have you or anybody else heard time estimates for automazars outdoors?
Well, regarding how fast they are growing, i would say it would take about 3+ weeks to mature...maybe even 5, to tell the truth i dunno. I heard Amazar takes 12 weeks from seed to bud. Mine are on around 8 weeks.

How much sun are u gettin? Mine are receiving about 9 hours of direct sunlight and we had some nice sunny weather here as well. Well, untill today. Severe storm hit our region. I dont quite know the right expression for that icy rain drops, but we had em, big as an almond. Plants are planted near a big tree so im hoping wind was blowing in the right directon, so that the tree would make some shield for my babies. We will c.

good luck with your AM, im just lovin this strain. ;)
. I heard Amazar takes 12 weeks from seed to bud.
That sounds about right to me, the DP site says 10 weeks but that would be optimistic and probably for indoor. And they do say they grow really big, which we have found out!

How much sun are u gettin? Mine are receiving about 9 hours of direct sunlight and we had some nice sunny weather here as well.
I am not certain, I have 3 and one is getting more sun than the others and doing better because of it. I would guess about the same 9 hours, 12 at most for the bigger one.

Severe storm hit our region. I dont quite know the right expression for that icy rain drops, but we had em, big as an almond.
They would be hailstones, or just "hail", I only found out we have had the coldest june in 40 years here, and the last few days have been terrible weatherwise, like winter. And more rain is on the way.

I was thinking of putting more plants out but I am going to wait until next year.
Hey tx for explaining hailstones. :) Sorry to hear about your cold weather. I still think you should plant some more plants, who knows, weather might turn around. Plus, you will get some pretty colorful plants if it stays cold.. ;) Cannabis is quite a sturdy form of life. It might surprise you with some good flowers even when grown in bad weather. Worth of try.

Take care!
Hey Guyz n Girls!

Can any1 show me a picture of some dry Auto Mazar Buds? It would be much appreciated. tx.
Welcome to the site mate.

Auto mazar is the same as Purple JEM. The creator lurks the AFN hallows :wiz: they do great outside too!

How could i miss you saying that? AutoMazar is Purple Jem? Now how did this happen? :)

Im gonna go check some threads about PJ on this forum... :) Laters.
Maaaaaan im disappointed... weather here is pure crap. Its been raining for 6 straight days now, from dusk till dawn...and im in the last week or two of flowering. Im really reaaaaaally scared of mold, root roth and poor general outcome. I know there isnt much to do, ( i really cant, have them in a remote spot, cannot make a cover ), but is there sth i can add to my medium that would minimize the risk of mold? Vitamins, trace elements?

Auto mazar is the same as Purple JEM. The creator lurks the AFN hallows :wiz: they do great outside too!
From what I read purple JEM is a cross between a mazar and lowryder, but I am not sure you could call them the same as the DP automazar. DP mention the big yeilds on mazars and how tall they get. There is no sign of any purple on any of my 3 DP automazars, they are also quite tall so I am wondering if it was crossed with something else. On the DP blog they have pics of a 249g automazar with no sign of purple that I can see http://www.dutch-passion.nl/blog/2011/07/25/all-about-autofem-seeds/

but is there sth i can add to my medium that would minimize the risk of mold?
I was reading about people spraying with baking soda mixed with water, I think the alkaline solution makes it hard for some moulds to grow. Not sure if it is worth doing or the concentration, I think I read a teaspoon per gallon, which is about 1g per litre, but wait for confirmation or look up elsewhere.