Double interview Dinafem Mark & Platinum Tom 2nd June 2017

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Tom, you mentioned UVA in response to FD's question,... UVA also promoted slight increases in THC? .... I'm sure in any case, some destruction of cannabinoids happens constantly, and the plant "restocks" them,... jeez, there's a PhD degree in evaluating this as is, right? :rofl:
Tom, I see more and more UVB lighting showing up in various lights,.. usually these are some sort of fluoro' bulbs, notorious for weak penetration,.. We know for a fact UVB exposure does increase THC content, but there's NO comparison to the Sun vs. a bulb,.. the skeptic in me says such UVB bulbs offer little help for this overall,. just those bud under most direct exposure,... pointless gimmick?
Mark and Tom, have you seen any credible info about how UVB affect CBD content, or may in fact, destroy it, unlike THC , which empirically seems to shield the sensitive DNA in forming seeds>

What up @Waira. Always a pleasure to see ya. :pass:

UVB has a shorter spectrum wavelength and more powerful than UVA. Too much UVB causes me to turn into a lobster here under the blazin sun in Florida. Plants respond to this harsh wavelength by creating more sunscreen, with higher THC, but i've heard it can negatively effect CBD production and yield.

That being said, if you are looking to grow bud with lots of oils & high THC, it can work great, especially for people looking to produce edibles and extracts. It's all about the application and creating a light recipe for your specific needs!
This would be hemp though mate and not cannabis. The hemp was designed to put out a lot of CBD but cannabis has been manipulated/crossed to produce high CBD genetics. Through some testing on forums we have seen degradation of CBD with the addition of UVB lighting :thumbsup:

All the best

does glass filter UVB?
yes Mark, it begs the question: does the THC also protect the CBD as well? :eyebrows:
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