New Grower Does using CAL-MAG make in otherwise organic grow non-organic?

Nov 23, 2014
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Does using CAL-MAG make in otherwise organic grow non-organic? Your thoughts please.

"An" "An"
There are a lot of organic cal mag nutrients out there so I suppose it depends on which you choose. Honestly though, and this is just my personal opinion, you are splitting hairs if that is the only thing you are using.

I like Biomin Calcium for a foliar myself but it doesn't contain any magnesium. It is OMRI certified though.
there are only a few cal mag supplement that are actually organic friendly at its truest basic to use it on a TLO grow which is vastly different in many ways will make it more an organic grow verses n TLO grow if you use a non organic friendly supplement(s).but by its very nature to add boosted and tooled minerals tend to make for a more caustic and lasting environment no to answer your question since Im yammering like a dumb stoner freshly stoned er something LOL!

more purists will tend to work the soil in turn lessening the amount of any supplement or liquid tooled addition to the mix in any way.
A4, good advice for sure. Right now I am worried about Cal def. So heck ya! Biomin Calcium will be researched in about 30 seconds! Thanks for you answer.

Eyes, you bring in the essence of growing organic and I needed that reminder. Thank you as well!
I thought I would chime in m my two cents just to offer a different opinion.

I am an organic grower and I don't like any synthetic substance in my plants. In fact the main reason I started growing is because I didn't want to smoke chemicals.

Some will say that an adequate flush will rid the plant of any remaining chemical nutrients, but my belief is different.

Years ago women weightlifters were spoon fed steroids(chem nutes) to make them successful at competitions like the Olympics. After they passed competing age they stopped using steroids(flush), but these steroids had dramatically altered these women and after they tried to go back to looking like women the after effects were obvious.

you can see that here

My solution to the problem of cal mag feeding is simple. when preparing my soil mix I wash dry and crush 2 eggshells into powder and add them to the soil. egg shell is 100% calcium so that takes care of half the problem. for the mag I use molasses in the feeds.

No disrespect to the chemical nutrient lovers out there, each to their own. I just prefer to use methods where the results and after effects are proven and documented. The methods I use have been used for hundreds of years.
There is a new chemical everyday and nobody knows the long term effects of ingesting or smoking plants altered with these chemicals.