New Grower Does my bowl look like Cock and Ball's The offical Poll

Do you think the Glass Pipe looks like a cock and balls?

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Its 50/50... I still really do not see it in this bowl... makes me want to go to the local shop and buy a glass bowl that looks like a cock and balls and compare them...If your ManJunk looks like my bowl you need to go to the local StD facility and get tested because something is not right. I really think Spanglish is spot on with it looking like a Mushroom, and honestly I do not care what anyone says if your dick looks like a mushroom you need to go to the doctor as well because my Steel Panther does not in anyway resemble a Shroom... or any other kind of fungi...:rofl:
Eggplant perhaps. Look it is an exaggeration I agree, but again to this old perv, you will be sucking well you know, but really, it is a shroom, so go with it my brother and may it get you stoned for many years my friend. Now where is my vagina shaped pipe?

I kind of liked my octopussy till it attacked me...
It looks like a mixture of SCOTSMAN and NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN look to her. Like a dude I new once when we were younger his name was TONTO MCTAVISH If my memory serves me correctly
Throw some yid an German an that's me