Does Cannabis Use Lead to Poor Memory?

What were we talking about?
oh yeah, memory loss. I jest, because this is very interesting to me and I wonder if the devil's weed just makes us less interested in boring things, which we subsequently have trouble recalling bc we paid little attention to begin with, on account of that beautiful song that was on the radio at the time LOL

Exactly! !!
I dont think it leads to bad memory i just think when ur high u might forget random meaningless stuff for example theres been a couple times (like 2 maybe 3) out of years and years of smoking when i was smoking with someone while watching TV and when it was a commercial id be like "what were we watching again?" and most of the time it comes back to me and i can remember pretty quickly but i know theres been a time i just gotta wait till it comes on and im like "ohhh yeaaaa" lmao but then again i was high all through highschool and i remember that like it was yesterday lol so i dont think weed effects my memory to much :grin:

Two stoners sit in a park smoking weed.
Stoner 1: Oh, an ice cream would be nice, I go and get one. You too?
Stoner 2: Yes, I would like to, but you always forget the order and bring something else. OK, half vanilla, half strawberry for me and no chocholate over. But you should better write down, I am sure you would forget.
Stoner 1: No, no, its OK, I will not forget.
Stoner 1 then leaves. After 5 minutes he appears with two pizzas.
Stoner 2: I knew you would forget ketchup, and I had told you twice. You smoke to much.
That specific study was not funded by big pharma. It came to no conclusion other than cannabis causes a reward release of dopamine which in turn causes misfiring in the hippocampus. Hippocampus is the center of all memory function in the brain and this misfiring causes memory loss temporarily. They did find if you quit cannabis for 30 days. The memory returns for heavy users. However more research needs to be done. The big issue I think that needs addressed is brain cells. As a brain cell has a determined life span and we know for a fact, that over excited brain cells die quicker than normal brain cells. Does cannabis cause early death of brain cells? No one knows as of yet. Alochol and psychodelics do over excite brain cells and cause faster deterioration for sure though..

Sorry I wanted to correct this after talking to a brain chemistry specialist who is a friend of mine.. Its not brain cells.. Its neurons that die from being over excited. These are the chemical pathways that transmit signals in your brain and your entire body. There is solid proof that THC kills neurons exceptionally well up to the age of 16 but after that it seems to help regenerate new pathways. This they don't know why yet. However, the memory loss is from the dopamine release in your brain and specifically effects the hippocampus which controls memory. It is temporary and usually will return after 30 days of abstinence. Around my household, we call this doorway syndrome. You ever walk through a door and forget what you were going to do? :grin: :Sharing One:
You ever walk through a door and forget what you were going to do? :grin:

Yes I do, quite a bit actually. I have noticed an increase in the frequency since I started using canna again too. Just a bit of empirical evidence to support the hypothesis.
Sorry I wanted to correct this after talking to a brain chemistry specialist who is a friend of mine.. Its not brain cells.. Its neurons that die from being over excited. These are the chemical pathways that transmit signals in your brain and your entire body. There is solid proof that THC kills neurons exceptionally well up to the age of 16 but after that it seems to help regenerate new pathways. This they don't know why yet. However, the memory loss is from the dopamine release in your brain and specifically effects the hippocampus which controls memory. It is temporary and usually will return after 30 days of abstinence. Around my household, we call this doorway syndrome. You ever walk through a door and forget what you were going to do? :grin: :Sharing One:

Great info Dub, imagine what we would know if they had been doing serious research for the past 20 or 30 years. That's where I think big Pharma still holds sway, limiting the R & D. Just about all the serious research is funded by them or the government, all people with vested interests in discouraging the medical use of cannabis. It's going to be interesting as boomers like myself who are regular tokers get older. People have been smoking since the 30s but we're the first generation to smoke on a larger scale. I think we'll see reduced instances of dementia and Alzheimer's.
Nicely said Muddy.
I agree that interest level plays a lot into how much we remember when stoned. I believe that I retain everything I've learned, it's just a matter of accessing those memories. So I work at it. I naturally have a head for trivia, jazz and blues history, growing cannabis, all things of high interest to me. I can tell you every member of the 1938 Count Basie Band or the starting line up of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates. When I run across something I don't remember immediately I keep working at it. It might take a week or two, but eventually I will remember. Sometimes it's just a matter of something unrelated triggering that memory. It drives my wife nuts. I'll be like "remember that conversation we were having last week and you asked me . . ., well here's the answer. LOL, most of the time she doesn't even remember the conversation, let alone what we were trying to remember. While I do keep notes and a lot of links to useful growing information and reference material, most of the information I dispense here is all from memory.

I am hearing this loud and clear nice answer muddy
My wife has finally got used to me having long conversations with what appear to her to be old friends but as soon as they are gone I have to ask her who the hell it was!
im the wrong side of 40,ive never been able to remember dates I only know 2 peoples own and jesuseses or Christmas day as I call it.april fools day and that's it.I was 20ish before I started smoking but that dosnt explain the poor memory,just that now I don't give 2 shits.