Hi Dale, I harvested the right time I believe, after checking with the microscope, when I dried in the bags I added a hygrometer to them and took them out when it reached less than 60%, I like 58% buds for grinding, then they went into grove bags and the humidity rose to 69%, so I put them in the bags again for another day, and doing this every time until they are steady. They also rise out of acceptable range in the grove bags, not sure what's going on there.
Thanks for the below 54% number, I'll remember that.
Genetics were spot on, Sawney's beans.
I just smoked a small reefer and I do get a slight buzz, but it doesn't last long and is no way better than street weed, which it should be.
Last grow was Mephisto and Fast Buds it was the same thing, just worse last time

My growing skills must be the problem if it isn't the environment or whatever else of a long list that it could be.