Lighting do you pimp up your plants before taking a picture?

Jan 16, 2012
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whenever I see plants on AFN they always seem to be a verdant green , with not a yellow leaf to be seen (except in the problems section) is this because people pick off all the yellow ones before they take a picture!!
The reason I ask is that since buying my GN MS-006s there has been a great deal more yellowing of leaves and at a much earlier stage too. The most mature of my Autopounders is pretty much all yellowing and budding at 2 months and the other 3 a week or two behind.
Previously I had not had anything like that amount of yellowing or budding lol so early and at first thought it might be nitrogen and/or Cal/mag deficiency etc etc but after a few weeks of fretting and worry I have come to the conclusion that maybe this is how it should be
editing or primping your plants to make them look better sounds like a sin hah if somethings wrong theirs no better place to show than peers/friends here at AFN. not sure what you problem is or could be but the photo primping sounds funny hah
I snip some of the lower foliage off but nothing above,your pants should be greener grown under LED.

EDIT: I should rephrase, I don't trim for the pics I trim as part of my growing method.
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I am yet to start my growthread onsite, but I for one send my gals into the spotlight with no makeup :D


[oh, yeah....will be posting a growthread very soon! :D ]
Wow since i switched to GN lights mine have gone the other way... Green as Grass lol... When i used the HPS they use to yellow all the time....
Sounds like a Cal/mag problem to me ... I solved mine w/ RO water and cal/mag ... I've been known to primp prior to photos ... :group:
All ganja is beautiful in my eyes, no pimpin here :thread: :group:
i am the pimp...oh wait, wrong forum:no:

have you tried calmg bro? hows the bud look? over all is the plant healthy, no lock out? could it be the pheno of that plant or is it a few? some pics would help to bro:toke: we will help ya figure it out man:smokebuds:
these are some photos, I have been giving them epsom salts regularly for the last few weeks, I also posted a query in the new growers Forum to try and get some feedback on my problem but some people thought they looked Ok and no one came up with anything definite
correct me if im wrong but dont it take a while for the e salt to release...wouldn't calmag liguid be quicker and better in this case? and it definitely looks like calmg def...i found w/ my led that the plants need alot of calmg...

the two center pic look perfectly fine as its close to harvest..