Any idea what's going on?
Problem: (brief description) leaf curling
-Medium/grow method:
OF &
SF, perlite
-Feed and supplements used: i added 1 teaspoon 13-7-7 dry fert to bottom 1/3 of soil when I originally filled the pot.
-Water source: half ro & half tap, 6.3-6.5ph She's only had one watering, Saturday, to f20% runoff. Up until Saturday, it was just a spray bottle to keep rapid rooter & surrounding soil moist. The soil/pot did receive a thorough wetting prior to planting. Accurate 8 says ph at root is 6.5
-Strain and age Sag northern lite blu glu, born labor day, so 9 days old
-Climate: 85/79F RH 40% for now. Live in desert, this is in garage, RH has bounced between 10% &50% over the past 9 days
- Light used: MARS TS 1000W @ 50%, 18" from plant, schedule 20/4
-Additional info: noticed it this morning, curling has gotten progressively more pronounced throughout the day
Any idea what's going on?
Problem: (brief description) leaf curling
-Medium/grow method:
-Feed and supplements used: i added 1 teaspoon 13-7-7 dry fert to bottom 1/3 of soil when I originally filled the pot.
-Water source: half ro & half tap, 6.3-6.5ph She's only had one watering, Saturday, to f20% runoff. Up until Saturday, it was just a spray bottle to keep rapid rooter & surrounding soil moist. The soil/pot did receive a thorough wetting prior to planting. Accurate 8 says ph at root is 6.5
-Strain and age Sag northern lite blu glu, born labor day, so 9 days old
-Climate: 85/79F RH 40% for now. Live in desert, this is in garage, RH has bounced between 10% &50% over the past 9 days
- Light used: MARS TS 1000W @ 50%, 18" from plant, schedule 20/4
-Additional info: noticed it this morning, curling has gotten progressively more pronounced throughout the day
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