do autos dry out faster than photos?

Dec 6, 2018
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Growing in coco coir. I'm confused whether to feed once or twice a day now on day 27 of my autos. I did twice a day for a little bit but nitrogen toxicity seemingly started
coming in so I dialed back dosage on calcium nitrate. I'm also doing pK booster as of recent. I fed once a day yesterday bc ppl told me to do this and they all started drooping. Coming back and feeding them til runoff for their first feed of the day now most have improved on it. I'd like to fix this issue before something possibly bad happens. Extra light green color in the new growth for two plants. I'm also wondering if autos get drier faster than photos? It's my first run w autos. These pics are from yesterday right after I turned the light off.

Tomorrow I plan to cut off calcium nitrate completely. I might top some soonSome say she's thirsty but I don't really know what's going on bc I have been feeding it til runoff every day. 800ml water each plant. Light is an intense 1x1000w HPS. 2G fabric pots


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Growing in coco coir. I'm confused whether to feed once or twice a day now on day 27 of my autos. I did twice a day for a little bit but nitrogen toxicity seemingly started
coming in so I dialed back dosage on calcium nitrate. I'm also doing pK booster as of recent. I fed once a day yesterday bc ppl told me to do this and they all started drooping. Coming back and feeding them til runoff for their first feed of the day now most have improved on it. I'd like to fix this issue before something possibly bad happens. Extra light green color in the new growth for two plants. I'm also wondering if autos get drier faster than photos? It's my first run w autos. These pics are from yesterday right after I turned the light off.

Tomorrow I plan to cut off calcium nitrate completely. I might top some soonSome say she's thirsty but I don't really know what's going on bc I have been feeding it til runoff every day. 800ml water each plant. Light is an intense 1x1000w HPS. 2G fabric pots

I'd say they are over watered pal. I'd be feeding once every few days at this stage. Waiting for the top half inch or so to be dry before watering to run off again. I wouldn't imagine there's any need for a PK booster this early, what is your main feed and at what strength are you feeding?
My 1000w is intense tho. I also think I'm not dosing right with the new nutes I'm using. I took a step back and reviewed the plan for it dm'd to me

He dm'd me a guide on masterblend a while ago

"Mid flowering weeks 4-6 per 5 gallons

10g magnesium sulfate
1g Calcium Nitrate
10g Masterblend base"

I'm feeding w 3 gallon bucket.

Just checking math w/ you I believe my new nute line wasn't being dosed properly.

6g magnesium sulfate
.6g calcium nitrate
6g masterblend base

Does that check out w u? "
I'd say they are over watered pal. I'd be feeding once every few days at this stage. Waiting for the top half inch or so to be dry before watering to run off again. I wouldn't imagine there's any need for a PK booster this early, what is your main feed and at what strength are you feeding?

Using pK because I was told "Well the old philosophy was to give them nitro all the way through the stretch but most of your new schedules include nitro in with the PK "
Using pK because I was told "Well the old philosophy was to give them nitro all the way through the stretch but most of your new schedules include nitro in with the PK "

Not a nutrient line I'm familiar with but had a quick google and can see it's one best used with a ppm/EC meter. Do you have one?

If not , follow a chart along these lines


Using this info as a base (grams per gallon)

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Also what height are your lights at @thebombhaha

A little over two feet above the plants. I do not have a ppm/ec meter. I had a cheap one my first run and it was giving bogus readings. I was advised about a Bluelab one but it was pricey. I'll surely buy one before my next run.
A little over two feet above the plants. I do not have a ppm/ec meter. I had a cheap one my first run and it was giving bogus readings. I was advised about a Bluelab one but it was pricey. I'll surely buy one before my next run.

Pull the light back to 3ft, it's quite powerful. Let the top of the pots dry out before next feeding and feed at week 4 level on the charts above. Quit the PK booster as there's plenty in the ratio above. Do you have an RH/Temp sensor in there?
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Pull the light back to 3ft, it's quite powerful. Let the pots dry out before next feeding and feed at week 4 level on the charts above. Quit the PK booster as there's plenty in the ratio above. Do you have an RH/Temp sensor in there?

I have a hygrometer. Week 4 level.. It's my first time ever looking at a chart like this. 2,1.6, and 2 are all the dosages for a week 4 level for Masterblend? Or is it the one that says 1.7-1.8, and is that consistent for all three parts of the nute dosage? Either way, I'm not as far off as I thought with the dosages. Glad I'm getting on top of it now. Only bc I see issues that I don't want to ignore.

There's a reason two feeds a day looks better for the plants than one feed a day. Clearly I'm not dosing properly. Gonna move the light now.