Hash me about LEDs.
For those of you interested in seeing a spectral map of your grow light but are unwilling or unable to pay the high price of a traditional lab radiospectrometer, here's a tutorial on how to build a basic meter for less than five dollars. It's basically a camera obscura with a compact disc (a regular old cd) to break up the spectrum into visible strata. When I get my light in the mail, I'll post a picture of my lights output from several perspectives so you can see how its done.
If you're smart, you can use this information to spread your light as efficiently as possible. Anyway, it looks cool, so get stoned and give it a shot if you have a shitty old cd around you want to break for science. I can recommend some stuff from the 90's for you to break... pm me for suggestions.
If you're smart, you can use this information to spread your light as efficiently as possible. Anyway, it looks cool, so get stoned and give it a shot if you have a shitty old cd around you want to break for science. I can recommend some stuff from the 90's for you to break... pm me for suggestions.
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