Diy cold pressed seaweed extract?

Sep 26, 2017
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Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
So ive been looking into alg a mic and it sounds like id be mad not to be using some sort of seaweed extract in my feed. Boosts disease resistance, cold resistance, encourages microbes in the soil and has loadsa auxins and other goodies.

Unfortunately I cant get my hands on some for this grow, still about 6 weeks left. So I was thinking id make some. Ive done some research and most recipes seem to either take several weeks of leeching nutes into water or require making a mild tea you need to make every feed?

But alg a mic is cold pressed? Cold water, finely cut seaweed and pressure

So my plan, ive a friend workin next to the seaside whos gonna get me some fresh green seaweed (only a small Tupperware full), im gonna wash it in cold water to clean off excess salt and grit. Pop it in a blender, cover with cold water and blitz it. Let that sit in the fridge over night and then filter it through a cheesecloth so I just get liquid, making sure to squeeze out as much juice as I can from the pulp. Ill then use this as an additive to my feed.

Does this sound like it will work? Im far from a scientist but this kinda makes sense to me lol

Ill post my exact recipe and process once ive done it and keep ye updated on how it affects my plants
I would think your time frame is to short , I have made my own as I live by the sea , one thing you might need to be aware of is how clean your ocean is , I live in a pristine environment . When I do make it , I leave it soaking for 6 weeks no less , it seems to take at least this long to break down . :thumbsup:
Hey, cheers for the reply! I found that method and it seems to be the most effective way to extract the goodness but it takes time. This is why I wanna try the cold press technique. (Id trust the beaches cleanliness, its beside a fairly eco friendly village and is quite small. But ill look into it a bit more)

My logic for the whole experiment is;
fresh seaweed will have more available nutrients and auxins than older/dryer seaweed.
Keeping it cold throughout the process will help preserve them.
Blending the seaweed will create more surface area for the nutes to leech into the water.
And finally filterin and literally squeezing the goodness out of the seaweed to extract as much as I can.

I admit, it wont be half as potent but I will be beneficial and worth a go :smoking::smoking:
Sounds like a lot of work to get something that you could easily get for cheap at a store or online. Just curiously, what's the major barrier to just buying it somewhere?
Sounds like a lot of work to get something that you could easily get for cheap at a store or online. Just curiously, what's the major barrier to just buying it somewhere?
Honest answer, im broke lol (unemployed, xmas next month and a 3 year old) and i haven't a shop close by to pick some up. I do enjoy the make your own method of things too tho
Honest answer, im broke lol (unemployed, xmas next month and a 3 year old) and i haven't a shop close by to pick some up. I do enjoy the make your own method of things too tho
You can use weeds too, stinging nettles, comfrey etc make into a tea. Place in boiled water for 20 minutes and strain. Dilute 10:1. Loads of goodies in this.

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Honest answer, im broke lol (unemployed, xmas next month and a 3 year old) and i haven't a shop close by to pick some up. I do enjoy the make your own method of things too tho

I hear ya bro! Good luck! I'm sure there's some good tutorials or guidance online you can find to help you out.
So I made some :) not a lotta green seaweed to be found but I worked with what I had. I didnt use everything she got me so ill leave the leftover steep for a few weeks/months. Waste not, want not.

So I took a couple hand fulls, cut it and washed it if cold water.

Then popped it into the blender, covered with water and blitzed it.

Poured it all into a Tupperware and popped in the fridge over night

Lined a jug with muslin and sieved out the solid matter. Squeezing out as much as possible!

And the finished product

Its fairly syrup like, slightly slimy texture and smells really nice! Like the seaside in spring lol im gonna start with low doses 1ml to a litre of water (and my regular biobizz nutes) and see how it goes.
You can use weeds too, stinging nettles, comfrey etc make into a tea. Place in boiled water for 20 minutes and strain. Dilute 10:1. Loads of goodies in this.

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Ive seen different teas but I thought they were kind of make it up, use it and dump the leftovers? Meaning a fresh brew every time ya wanna use it? Tbh im a new grower and completely new to organics. But I really like the idea of it, no chemicals, no hidden additives, renewabal rescources and 100% natural. I wanna extend it into my regular veg garden and flowe beds too