DIY DIY cheap efficient gravity bong

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ive always thought of making one from a toilet, put a hole in the cistern with a stem/bowl and a tube for sucking out the smoke. flush for the water drop :D
never had a toilet to ruin or one that id wanna suck smoke from though.

Don't knock toilet bowl smoking! Marc Emery got sentenced to 5 years of that and it works!!!

:peace: BeaverG
Watch how hot the plastic is getting. Burning plastic sucks haha. I like using longer slides/piped to hold the bowl like the op's pic. Keep heat away from the bottle cap. I like tze shotgun to tze face coughing till you black out hits!
Watch how hot the plastic is getting. Burning plastic sucks haha. I like using longer slides/piped to hold the bowl like the op's pic. Keep heat away from the bottle cap. I like tze shotgun to tze face coughing till you black out hits!

I only ever need 3 of these at the most and even when I have a few friends over it doesnt get too hot as long as you let it sit for about 60 seconds between burns. I'm normally coughing for at least twice that amount of time lol. That cap there I assembled probably 4 years ago now and it's still in as good of shape as it was when i made it. Remember how I said it whistles, it's still airtight.

:peace: BeaverG
yeh i wouldnt use plastic bottles myself these days, try to stay away from tin foil too. porcelain all the way.
In college I had the largest g.b ever. I stole one of the 5gal water jugs that is delivered by Poland springs (or what ever water company you have) for the large water cooler dispensers. I cut out the entire bottom and took off the blue cap on the top (usually the part that goes into the water cooler). I then took a large 20 or 30 gallon rubber maid tub and filled it with water. The top of the 5gal jug was perfect fit for a large glass-on-glass slide. Even better, use an ash catcher or percolator slide to filter the hit! This is a massive g.b and is no joke, great 420 thing.
*warning* this should only be done when 2L bottles becomes "boring."
no matter what type of bud you are smoking in a 5gallon gravity bong, you will get highly medicated.
Never had a bho or hash to try out of that, but I can imagine just falling over if thats attempted.
@ medicineman if you ever want to go big, move your 5 gal GB to a pool. After you pull the GB, swim underneath into the chamber and just breathe. Lol this is not for the faint of heart you will become extremely medicated :firedevil:
@ medicineman if you ever want to go big, move your 5 gal GB to a pool. After you pull the GB, swim underneath into the chamber and just breathe. Lol this is not for the faint of heart you will become extremely medicated :firedevil:
Yes! I knew someone's had a step up from that. Good shit dude. Will have to try when I have the chance. Hahaha great