Extraction DIY Butane Extraction using flask/thermos



Posted this in my diary but i really should have done it in this forum. So a quick copy n paste and here ye go :bong:

First of all a warning - don't end up like this guy, respect the butane and take all precautions you can. if in doubt don't come running to me if ye go ahead and blow yerself up.


London Gas is 100% pure. Can be found in poundshops and corner shops up and down the UK. The 300ml one comes with the attachments, the smaller ones don't so if buying smaller ones get a hold of some attachments.

Flask is only a 3/4 litre. Take black central part out and discard. Drill 3 holes in the lid. Centre Punch is handy if drilling metal. put attachment from gas can in middle hole.

Fill flask 3/4 way up with yer weed. In my case it was a few wee buds, about a henry worth and about an ounce of sticks thats accumulated at the side of my tray over time. There must be sticks in there from about 20 different dtrains.

Put yer flask lid on and grab a can of gas and a tea towel. Go outdoors and wrap the gas can in the tea towel, stick top of it in the flask and fill. I do the whole first can in one go. Take a peak and see if the fluid level is higher than the weed, if not go grab another can and repeat, if doing a second can i only do half way then check fluid level. Once weed is covered by about 1cm. Put lid back on and sit the flask outside somewhere and go have a joint.

Prepare for bringing flask inside. Fill sink with hottest water you can. Open all windows and doors. put on cooker extraction fan. Turn off all electrics apart from that. Warn the wife that theres she can't walk into kitchen smoking or switching lights on/off. I double strain, so coffee filters in 2 utensils that can hold em, 1 as a backup only. big strainer at the bottom lined with filters. 2 Pyrex bowls that will float in yer sink, flat bottomed is easier. 2 razor blades. Sit the strainers inside eachother and inside the pyrex dish.



Say a prayer if yer religious then go get yer flask.

Empty flask through the first strainer into the big one, trying not to breath in so heavy as theres lots of butane in the air. Man i was buzzing but anyway. If i had used all bud the liquid might have been golden or even greenish, but mines was clear. anyway, once strained, put strainers to the side and carefully place bowl in the water, mines only took about 5 minutes for the butane to be fully evaporated. you see lots of fizzing at first then eventually the bubbles stop. Sometimes you can see yellow bubbles of oil put this was so clear i thought i didnt have anything. Some bud will fall out of the flask, if you grind first then more might come out but i didn't so most stayed in the flask.

So i went ahead and put the dish in the chest freezer. Grabbed another can of gas and the flask. Proceed to give it anther soak out the back door with butane. leave to sit for a while as i smoke anther J. go grab it afterwards and repeat the straining into a new pyrex dish. this time as it is going in the freezer out came the first. Sat in the hot water sink and defrosted. Still not seeing anything but maybe some rippled effect on bottom but it could be in the glass :(. back int he freezer it goes, i'm hoping theres a film of oil there hard to see that will crystalise after multiple freeze-thaw cycles.

Repeated that a couple of times with the first batch, didn't with the second batch to see the difference.

1st batch is the lovely easy to handle crystals you see, there was a thin film of almost clear honey oil on the bottom of both the pyrex dishes. the second batch that didn't get multiple thaws is the impossible to handle jelly hash ball.



Both are in the freezer and i've just managed to type this up while it was being smoked. Fuck me i am wasted. Not gonna touch it for a while, gonna give them both a few more cycles of freeze-thaw. and a cure. Didn't get that much, about 2 grams in total but not bad return for 3 quid worth of gas and a 3 quid flask from Asda. The waste will be bagged and added to a bubble run later.
I was blasted when i wrote it :toke: if anything doesn't make sense or ye want a clearer description feel free to ask :)
nice one riz, I do mine in a small glass bottle (not the safest way) but the same method as you. how long do you leave it in the flask for? I got through 2 packs of 40 coffee filters last autum (80 total, and sme I used twice), I saved them in a empty clean icecream tub in the freezer after all butane had gone though nd evaporated from the filter. then when I ran out of oil (I swear im putting in atleast 10 times whats in your spliff (now loooking again atleast 20 times!! ), I put the dish over a double boiler and heat untill its soft enough to scrape off with a razor and quickly wipe onto a rizla before it sets and rips my rizla) I got all the used filters from the freezer, chopped them up a bit, put in a big mason jar, filled with isopropyl (99.9%) gave it a 30 sec shake, then strained it through a new clean filter, I cant bleive how much I got off it, and the quality was knockout!! I found its not worth qwisoing your filters if you just making qwiso, but using the filters making bho the butane eaporats so fast it leaves a shit loads fo goodness stuck to your filter.

edited to add a bit more in the middle:p
go to any shop and try and buy more than 2 can of butane and chance are you will be told to go away (its the law), but go into poundland and fill up your basket (I buy 20+ at a time) and they dont batter an eyelid

and as you say its only £1a can, whereas ebay its £4-5 (inc postage) for the same stuff. I have a better supplier now, I get the same london gas for under £0.50p a can (250ml) but have to order loads at a time, also poundland seems to be dropping the 300ml cans in favor of the 250ml cans,
I left the first run in the flask for 15 minutes. 2nd run for 30 minutes. I wish i had ground up the bud though as under the microscope i can see some heads still intact. Very few of the stalks came off but most lost their heads.

Glass is perfect as long as it's heat proof for when you have the butane in the container and sitting in hot water, none heat proof might shatter.

Smoking it in a pipe didn't work too well, just dripped through as soon as it heated. Gotta put it on some bud to pipe or bong.

Thanks for the top about the filters, i was thinking about that as i binned them. I need a new bottle of iso and yer right about the poundshop, wouldn't bat an eyelid at you walking in and buying a case of the gas. But then again i don't think i look like yer average teenage solvent abuser.

The crystal idea, i dunno if that would work for larger quantities. if the oil was deeper in the bottom of the glass dish it might not have crumbled as easily. To get it like that i would say it has to only be a couple of mm thick and you gotta defrost it at least 3 times. When it's powdered don't bag it. have a small metal or plastic container in the freezer and transfer directly into it asap otherwise the oil will melt and stick together. You sprinkle directly out the tub when rolling yer joint. it is stable at a lowish room temp but a warm room you can see it start to soften quickly so get back in the freezer before that happens or it won't sprinkle out again.

Why didnt I think of that!! I made well over an oz of bho last outdoor crop, but I must have used 40 big cans !! A flask is perfect for the job.. I never used such fine filters though, a silk mesh works very well at stopping all debris and is easily washed with more gas to get remaining oil..

Nice thread riz.. I think everybody should try bho once in their life....

Theres gettin stoned, and then theres "GETTING STONED"..

Peace bro..
I left the first run in the flask for 15 minutes. 2nd run for 30 minutes. I wish i had ground up the bud though as under the microscope i can see some heads still intact. Very few of the stalks came off but most lost their heads.

Glass is perfect as long as it's heat proof for when you have the butane in the container and sitting in hot water, none heat proof might shatter.

Smoking it in a pipe didn't work too well, just dripped through as soon as it heated. Gotta put it on some bud to pipe or bong.

Thanks for the top about the filters, i was thinking about that as i binned them. I need a new bottle of iso and yer right about the poundshop, wouldn't bat an eyelid at you walking in and buying a case of the gas. But then again i don't think i look like yer average teenage solvent abuser.

The crystal idea, i dunno if that would work for larger quantities. if the oil was deeper in the bottom of the glass dish it might not have crumbled as easily. To get it like that i would say it has to only be a couple of mm thick and you gotta defrost it at least 3 times. When it's powdered don't bag it. have a small metal or plastic container in the freezer and transfer directly into it asap otherwise the oil will melt and stick together. You sprinkle directly out the tub when rolling yer joint. it is stable at a lowish room temp but a warm room you can see it start to soften quickly so get back in the freezer before that happens or it won't sprinkle out again.

I was doing 20 mins runs, but only 1 run. then I made sure the spent weed was dry (when all the butane had eveporated) an do a 15-20 sec shake QWISO which resulted in a much nicer 2nd wash with much more than if I had done it again with the butane. Also another tip for anyone going to try it, make sure your weed is DRY!!! and dont crush it up to much, but dont put big chunky bits in either. no matter how dry my weed is I allways put it in a news paper then into the oven on a really low setting, just to get any remaining moisture out (and also I have been reading it converts thca into thc), but dont cook it or overheat it. with qwiso frezing the (dry) weed first gives me more final weight, but freezing before bho making I havnt notice any increase.

next time you make some save the filters and do the qwiso with them, then kick yourself when you relize how much you threw away before! (I kicked myself a few times), ebay is cheapest and best for iso I have found, I think you can get 1L for about £6, but cheaper if you buy bigger amounts
When i lived in amsterdam i was a hash man. Seriously i much prefer to have a good selection of hash kicking around than a selection of green, best to hacve both of course but i prefer the good proper can't do shit couchlock that a good black hash can give, the face ripping laugh your pants off sativa hashes. Oil is the closest i've come to creating my own smoke of the strength i love. My bubble was ok and the qwiso was not bad but this oil was the best yet. I think it is down to this strain and that the henry was mostly a really strong AK47 sativa dom.

I will defo be getting more iso in. she got it last time online with delivery for about 8 quid so i'll check ebay. The next time yer doing a qwiso, dip in yer scissors or w/e you use for trimming and yer grinder too. Rinse out any jars with it and yer not only cleaning as you go but adding to the yield at the end ;)

I wanna build my own tumbler and found a place that does silk screen to mesh sizes, a rotisarie motor and some mdf or scrap. 1 metre squared silk screen is only about a tenner so i'll be using that in future for butane and qwiso filtering in future but the plan will be to tumble, butane, quiso then bubble all trim.
A flask is perfect for the job.

The hardest part of using a flask is making the holes in the lid as it's steel ye need to use a metal dril, but if like me ye find that tedious ye get through one hole then discover that the screwdriver ye had used as a centre punch, if hit hard enough goes right through without the need for a drill :D
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I save my scissors, razors, grinders everything untill I have no oil left, then I clean them the the iso, unless im trimming/manicureing then il sit there with a small jar full of iso to keep the scissors clean and not sticking, and I end up with aload of nice iso-oil when im finished. id love my own tumbler, if you make one please put loads of photos up. im a big (good) hash lover aswell, but as your aware in the uk if you ask for has here you will most likely end up with soap bar :crying: