I'm 3 weeks into veg of 6 organically raised photoperiod plants, 3 in Natures Living Soil/
HF (watered with tap/spring water @Ph 6.5) , 3 on FOOP (in distilled water Ph'ed to 6.2-6.4 as recommended) in
HF. The 3 on FOOP have varying degrees of leaf changes identical to yours-"gold smudges"(primarily on lower leaves) that developed over ~ 4 days. Not Enough runoff to measure. This is my first FOOP foray.
I suspect magnesium deficiency and have treated the 3 affected plants with Epsom salt 1 tsp/gallon concentration today. I plan on continuing FOOP for now. I might start mixing my FOOP in tap/spring water to provide extra magnesium/calcium. I'm also considering adding Lime as an organic source of Mg/Ca.
Hope your leaf issues resolved and the grow went well. Looking to learn from your experience.
I suspect magnesium deficiency and have treated the 3 affected plants with Epsom salt 1 tsp/gallon concentration today. I plan on continuing FOOP for now. I might start mixing my FOOP in tap/spring water to provide extra magnesium/calcium. I'm also considering adding Lime as an organic source of Mg/Ca.
Hope your leaf issues resolved and the grow went well. Looking to learn from your experience.