Discoloration on leaves.

I'm 3 weeks into veg of 6 organically raised photoperiod plants, 3 in Natures Living Soil/FFHF (watered with tap/spring water @Ph 6.5) , 3 on FOOP (in distilled water Ph'ed to 6.2-6.4 as recommended) in FFHF. The 3 on FOOP have varying degrees of leaf changes identical to yours-"gold smudges"(primarily on lower leaves) that developed over ~ 4 days. Not Enough runoff to measure. This is my first FOOP foray.
I suspect magnesium deficiency and have treated the 3 affected plants with Epsom salt 1 tsp/gallon concentration today. I plan on continuing FOOP for now. I might start mixing my FOOP in tap/spring water to provide extra magnesium/calcium. I'm also considering adding Lime as an organic source of Mg/Ca.
Hope your leaf issues resolved and the grow went well. Looking to learn from your experience.
Yes that's very possible. My watering can is a POS. I always go over any spots I may have spilled on with a spray bottle with plain distilled water. You think that may be it? The only thing I could think of was maybe my pH pen is off or there was a lack of nutes but that seemed less likely.
I get spots on my leaves if any water with feed hits them. Leaves will suck up nutrients right away. Even plain distilled water will cause discoloration if the lights are on when the water hits them, I wouldnt worry about this. Also like others have said you might need to dial back on the N a little, too much can cause problems down the road when flowering.