Dirt weed attempts TLO: Round 2

May 17, 2014
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Hello Growers

Been a while since my last grow, lots more study and some really good help from folks like A4 and Eyes to just mention a few.

This grow is bitter sweet as I finally have a top quality soil but my house is upside down right now with my oldest, some of you are aware but my son is an Herion addict, he recently relapsed just last month, I stayed up all night just to ensure myself that he was still breathing. That really scared my wife, and on top of that she remembers several grows back where the smell was drifting towards the cops outside our house, even though they never got a whiff. I had to promise that this was my last grow for a while, at least until we retire.

Ok on with the show.

Home made cabinet, 30 inches deep, 40 inches wide and 65 inches tall.
Lighting....LED. SolarStorm 440 and 2 90 watt UFO
Soil ........A4's soil mix, cooked last Augest
Ventilation- constant at 90 cfm
Temperature range 76-90 during lights on depending outside temperature 70 degrees lights off
Humidity... Winter here so it's low 15-40%
Seeds.. Have to Thank Mitch and Crew... Fantasmo Express and Auto Triangle Kush

Soaked seed this morning and will pop in seedling mix either this evening of first thing tomorrow morning, no pictures yet will take some when I get back from fishing down in Santee Cooper as I expect them to have popped their heads by then. Then I will mix my inoculants and water them in the soil prior to setting them in their final smart pots, well ones a smart pot the other is a burlap sack, close enough I reckon. Thanks for stopping in and any comment is much appreciated, @A4 I hope I do you and your proud.
I'll be keeping an eye on this, Dirt Weed. I'll be growing some Fantasmo in organic soil this spring.
Greetings Dirt (-:
Elaborate on the "A4's soil mix" please.

A4's soil mix is something he has been working on for awhile, I would love to divulge the reciepie but I don't have his permission to do so, I'll ask as I'm sure he won't have any problems with it

Just an update... Got home last night and went and looked at my babies, they were dead, my son was supposed to water them but some how things just didn't go as planed, anyway I'll pop some more and get this show going.
We'll have some good news and some not so good news, the Fantasmo popped her head several days ago and the Auto Triangle Kush a day later. The Fantasmo had a partial helmet head so I carefully removed the outer husk and am proud to say she is doing fine, the ATK had a full on helmet, I carefully removed it but I'm not sure she will survive therefore I dropped a Deep Blue C just to be sure that I'll have a full cabinet, I'll try to get a few pic's u in a couple of days o show progress.

Yesterday I watered in the inoculants in the TLO and rewired power to the grow cabinet as it has proved unreliable and tripping off on the gfi every other day or so, or at least it seamed so, either way that's now resolved.
I'll probably replace the 6 inch Phresh Carbon air filter with in the month just to be on the safe side and get the 18 in carbon filter set up for the outer grow space for security/odor control as my wife is on the verge of flipping out.

Anyway AFN good grow karma to everyone...
Well guys everything is progressing nicely, the Deep Blue C hasn't popped her head yet but I expect her shortly, noticed when checking both pots after watering in the inoculants and noticed that it dried out really fast, so since the girls aren't planted in them yet I wanted to experiment with watering. I tried watering real slow and still had large unwatered areas, tried watering with a slope to the center off the pot and dry areas remained. Now I have a large bin under both pots to catch run off and I had the pots elevated on net pots to allow air circulation under the pots, I removed the net pots and watered 2 gallons directly in the catch basin and let the pots wick up the moisture, this worked much better and all the large dry areas drastically decreased. Now I'll wait and see how long it takes to dry out between watering. I'm planning on setting both seedling pots into the soil this weekend as time is starting to run out with the outside temperatures running 30 degrees above normal, if it stays like this then it may get way to hot in the cabinet, at least I have some C02 left over so they can tolerate higher temps for a while if necessary. I'll probably set up an exhaust fan and control it by a thermostat to get rid of the heat from the chillers and cool down the room for the fresh air intake.
Have a great weekend guys and gals

AFN smoke out.....
Ok guys here is A4 soil mix I'll just copy and paste, all credit goes to A4

Hey DW, Since you asked. This is the entirety from start to finish.

8 gallons Premier Sphagnum Peat Moss
2 gallons Vermaplex Black Castings
2 gallons Permagreen Pro Top Soil
4 gallons Thermorock Perlite
2 gallons Thermorock Vermiculite
4 gallons General Hydroponics Coco Coir
2 gallons Black Kow Mushroom Compost (You may want to leave out if you can't find quality compost, substitute with a good quality bagged soil. You want to keep the ratios the same some don't just not add something.)
2 gallons Black Kow Manure Compost (Same as above)

12 cups Calcium Bentonite
14 cups Crab Shell
8 cups Kelp Meal
10 cups Fish Meal
2 cups Bone Meal
½ cup Langbeinite
6 cups Neem Seed Meal
4 cups Alfalfa

1 ½ cup Ag Lime
1 ½ cup Ag Gypsum
4 cups Powdered Oyster Shell
(mix up and use 1 cup)

Add minerals:
AG16 Potassium Silicate 1 gram
Copper Sulfate 1 gram
Zinc Sulfate 2.3 grams
Boron 1.4 grams

I then toss everything with Great White mychos and saturate it with EWC tea. This turned out on point by the soil test and is doing unbelievable as far as hassle free grow. No teas, nothing but rainwater and relaxing. I have transplanted into it at 4 weeks with no burning but there is no way I would start a seed in this soil. Way too hot. I haven't done a calculation on this new recipe but it should fall in pretty close to the last one as their wasn't a lot of changes. It was just over a dollar a gallon to make when purchasing items in bulk. Most everything I bought in 50# bags at one of the local farm stores. The calcium bentonite is hard to find so I went to amazon for it. Most people use it as a cosmetic additive.
I took some pictures today and after I down load them I'll post some more but so far so good just a little stunted I think but still progressing.
IMG_1171.JPG IMG_1172.JPG IMG_1173.JPG IMG_1174.JPG
Well guys this is what I have, the first one with my finger is Deep Blue C at one week old, the next two are Fantasmo Express at two weeks and brand new one that just popped her head this morning for a friend of SODK, hopefully it doesn't get much warmer before summer arrives as I have the solar storm turned off at ambient temperatures 70 or above and just run the two UFO's.
Will post more as they progress

P.S. Jraven thanks for the rep
Well guys n gals sorry to say but I believe the FE and DBC are stunted, FE is only about 6 inches tall and the DBC is less than 3. I have some pictures but they are on the other camera and honestly they suck. The deep blue C just came down with some cal mag issues so I started the cal mag feed today, I should of started it last week but live and learn. Now I'm not 100% sure on the cause of them stunting but I have my suspects, first off my ufo LEDs I believe are one reason they are stunting, they stunted my plants last time but then again they were way to close then, now, they were more than 30 inches from the plant, secondly A4's mix is too hot for seedlings so when I planted them I used a 2 1/2 in PVC pipe irectly in the middle of the smart pots and filled the soil around that, then I filled the PVC pipe with seedling mix, I thought this would protect the plants, however I didn't water them from the top as this soil is very difficult to get even moisture so I watered the awe pan and let them wick up the water they wanted. I think this leached the nutrients from the soil into the seedling mix and caused the stunting. Live and learn once again... I started a SODK for a friend of mine but they went able to take her, she is only two weeks old approximately and has lived her life only in seedling mix, she is about4 inches tall, today I transplanted her into a mix of the super soil and seedling mix at about a 60/40 ratio, 60% seedling mix to 40% soil and watered her in, however she may stunt as we are having unusually hot weather and the cabinet reached 99 degrees this afternoon, right now I have everything open trying to cool it down. 85 degree outside temperatures is just way to hot for cabinet growing even with the chiller running.

I'm going out of town for a few days and were supposed to have a 90 degree day coming up this week o I'll take some more pictures when I get back and post them then.

What do you guys think on my stunting delima?