looking great :thumbsup: a spray is defo the quickest way to fix a def :greenthumb:
and i think i have finaly got it into my head what cal and mag is.cal is tiny rust spots and mag is light blotching between the veins :paleo: i just have to remember it.
good luck n keep er lit
I've never used foliar feeding before, may be the things to do when the plants are in veg especially for certain deficiencies. Looks great!
Foliar is great in veg and the plants love it as it’s natural for them to get “rained” on. I use optic foliar transport watts and rev I also add Greenleaf’s kelp extract. Once they start to stretch if calmag is needed I’ll add that to the spray but only a little bit is needed.
Heya archie,

calmag issues didn't get fixed as fast as i wanted, so sprayed Boom Boom/Biotabs when lights got on....

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View attachment 1000981
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the only thing what is bothering me is whenever i spray someting on it coco/soil parts flow away to ground and i have to clean it up again, you see the size expanding they did after only 3 days after transplanted? You know it at all as you watched me [HASHTAG]#flo[/HASHTAG] grows from start ....and now 5 hours after spraying they look like this...
View attachment 1000984

perfect health as you noticed earlier...

Happy growing AFN!
Looking good Mongol
Foliar is great in veg and the plants love it as it’s natural for them to get “rained” on. I use optic foliar transport watts and rev I also add Greenleaf’s kelp extract. Once they start to stretch if calmag is needed I’ll add that to the spray but only a little bit is needed.
For me spraying use only RO water, because it's pure water and getting plants react faster, with tap water it takes hours far away:pass:
For me spraying use only RO water, because it's pure water and getting plants react faster, with tap water it takes hours far away:pass:
Yes I don’t use my well water. Optic says to use distilled. I was amazed at how fast the spray was absorbed when I started using optic transport it’s like the leaves have a straw in the inside sucking it in.
looking great :thumbsup: a spray is defo the quickest way to fix a def :greenthumb:
and i think i have finaly got it into my head what cal and mag is.cal is tiny rust spots and mag is light blotching between the veins :paleo: i just have to remember it.
good luck n keep er lit
Foliar is great in veg and the plants love it as it’s natural for them to get “rained” on. I use optic foliar transport watts and rev I also add Greenleaf’s kelp extract. Once they start to stretch if calmag is needed I’ll add that to the spray but only a little bit is needed.
Quality bits of info guys....just what I needed without asking about it lol..:thanks:....things are looking good Mongol :d5: great stuff:smiley1:
Yes I don’t use my well water. Optic says to use distilled. I was amazed at how fast the spray was absorbed when I started using optic transport it’s like the leaves have a straw in the inside sucking it in.

Well their transport routes move fluids in a similar way to a straw, its the comparison that tutors make between plants transport system and every day life so you kinda hit the nail on the head!

Great stuff, had my eyes on these for a while so I'm subbed. Good luck and happy growing!
Foliar is great in veg and the plants love it as it’s natural for them to get “rained” on. I use optic foliar transport watts and rev I also add Greenleaf’s kelp extract. Once they start to stretch if calmag is needed I’ll add that to the spray but only a little bit is needed.
Good to know, I'll add that to my veg repertoire especially since I want to make it simple and use MegaCrop throughout. Thank you :thumbsup:
I use Megacrop and their dry kelp in my foliar and feed solution.
My feeding regime is a mixed bag right now and I want to simplify it and save $$ but not lose results; from what I've read people love Greenleaf Nutrients products.
Will try and switch for the Dinafem grow battle.