New Grower Dinafem White Widow XXL


Urban farmer
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Train wreck
I'm New to auto flowers...
I have grown photos many times been browsing the site wondering if anyone had any pointers do's and don'ts I will be using coco.
Pic of veg area


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Welcome Swerve. As far as pointers, start low with your nutrients and then work up. Some autos can take full strength nutrients while others can be nutrient sensitive. I usually start at 1/4 strength and then work up. Don't have to worry about light schedules. I run my lights 24/0. Others do 20/4 or 18/6, or even 12/12. Last thing I can think of right now is types of training. Most folks prefer Low Stress Training on there plant, such as scrog, leaf tucking, light bondage, and caning. Others have done well with more extreme methods such as Topping and Fimming, but is a small group that have had success with this. I have Fimmed autos with good success but I don't recommend it to new auto growers, but please experiment if you are able. Hope this answers some of your questions. Have fun :cooldance:
Greetings to you Swerve :toke:. I'm pretty new to growing in general, but I've found this blog very helpful indeed. There's more auto-specific posts on there too, so well worth a look, dude.

If you happen to be up for a bit of weed porn, check out this journal in progress (last update was at day 42)... There's some really good pics of the XXWWL. She's a beaut!

I'm not able to offer any specific advice I'm afraid, as I'm still learning. But hopefully those links will give you something to base some of your research around. Best of luck! :toke:
Love them and they will love you!!

[emoji91]FROM SEED 2 OIL[emoji91]
I was using a thousand watt HPS during that run

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I have since switched to 2 600w hps

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