@St. Tom Kit List
2x sanlight Q6W
*SmartGro Ultrasonic Humidifier 9.5 Litres
5 inch rhino pro carbon filter
RVK 125 L1 systemair in line turbo fan high power
2 secret jardin monkey fans 1x 20 w oscillating
1 x 30 w both with tent pole clips
remo supercharged kit full line
**4x4 Grow Tent
Heres my pic to start the ball rolling
Heres my girl at day 10 shes very sensitive as I got tip burn but this tells me to go real easy on her food throughout her life
Dinafem day 14 gorilla same as the gsc a veg feed of 1.4 starting today
day 22 week 2 update
@Rebel for my dinafem gorilla shes flying along
week 3 dinafem gorilla at day 30 this is also my plant for the light grower competition I've done a lot of training with her
week 4 update day 37 shes took off like a Gooden I'm so happy with her shes still stretching so gonna start her a little later on flower feed as I want her to be a beast
week 5 update
here's a few pics of my dinafem gorilla day 41 shes in 2 battles the led grower and dinafem comp and ive put a lot of work into her
week 6 update this lady is on fire at day 45 i have really tried hard with her training and its paid off i just hope i can retain my grower of the year title for dinafem
dinafem gorilla week 7 update shes at 8 weeks today and is hand-fed all my others are on the autopots res anyhow no changes shes just bulking up but the shape I've created with her by tying all her branches early on shes a sea of tops
Week 8 update its 9 weeks old today for my dinafem gorilla. shes one of the best plants I've had training wise I only normally top and bend as need be but I tied all her branches down early on and her canopy is superb and its shows with her multiple cola sites :smoking:

shes got easy 2 week s left
shes coming on a treat 70 days old tmoz a big thanks to
@Dinafem-Mark how long do you think mark im thinking 10 days let her fill out a little
Here is my dinafem grower of the year battle and light battle plant