Don't know if genetics are patented ?? BUT Cannabinoids have been patented by governments and big Pharma.
it's there ace in the hole. they will try to control it this way. you can go to us patent office website. type in cannabinoid in search and you can see the patents. and no one knows when they will start enforcing patent law. the sneaky bastards. :cuss:
Don't know if genetics are patented ?? BUT Cannabinoids have been patented by governments and big Pharma.
it's there ace in the hole. they will try to control it this way. you can go to us patent office website. type in cannabinoid in search and you can see the patents. and no one knows when they will start enforcing patent law. the sneaky bastards. :cuss:
I don't see how a cannabinoid can be patented, but I can see how the particular process to extract it can be.. Silly govt!
I don't see how a cannabinoid can be patented, but I can see how the particular process to extract it can be.. Silly govt!
"You can't do that Mr. Corp"

"Here's 1 million for relection Mr. Pol"

"Congratulations Sir! You have just patented the first cannabinoid!"

I wish so fucking bad I was joking :frowny:
Don't know if genetics are patented ?? BUT Cannabinoids have been patented by governments and big Pharma.
it's there ace in the hole. they will try to control it this way. you can go to us patent office website. type in cannabinoid in search and you can see the patents. and no one knows when they will start enforcing patent law. the sneaky bastards. :cuss:
Bowman v. Monsanto Co., 569 U.S. 278 (2013), was a United States Supreme Court patent decision in which the Court unanimously affirmed the decision of the Federal Circuit that the patent exhaustion doctrine does not permit a farmer to plant and grow saved, patented seeds without the patent owner's permission.

Doesn't Monsanto sues anyone growing soybeans that doesn't buy the seeds from them? Farmers of soybeans in the US I believe have been sued if they harvest their own crop and keep out enough to plant again the next year. Problem was that say your neighbors grow a soybean crop and it pollinates your crop with Monsanto's genetically modified soybean pollen.

You harvest your soybeans and Monsanto sues you for using their genetics. Your crop is seized or sampled and since it was pollinated by your neighbor's soybean crop you are on the hook.
Bowman v. Monsanto Co., 569 U.S. 278 (2013), was a United States Supreme Court patent decision in which the Court unanimously affirmed the decision of the Federal Circuit that the patent exhaustion doctrine does not permit a farmer to plant and grow saved, patented seeds without the patent owner's permission.

Doesn't Monsanto sues anyone growing soybeans that doesn't buy the seeds from them? Farmers of soybeans in the US I believe have been sued if they harvest their own crop and keep out enough to plant again the next year. Problem was that say your neighbors grow a soybean crop and it pollinates your crop with Monsanto's genetically modified soybean pollen.

You harvest your soybeans and Monsanto sues you for using their genetics. Your crop is seized or sampled and since it was pollinated by your neighbor's soybean crop you are on the hook.
Great point, I forgot about this. What a time to be alive.
This really really gets on my nerves! I hope these large corporations, pharmaceutical companies and any other large companies who dominate and monopolise every damn market fall and burn. Who do these people think they are!!
Close the market, lock out the wee man.

The problem as always boiles down to money. Nothing for the good of humanity just pure profit for already rich fat cats. Even though this supposed democracy we live in is supposed to be about competitive market places for the choice and benefit of the people. They all act like a pack of wolves consuming everything and anyone in their way.