New Grower Dinafem Autoflower // CFL // Soil

Day 34 - Sept. 20

Sry for being gone the last 15 days. I've been life-ing pretty hard lately. I've seen many of you in various threads but have been to lazy to update this grow journal, and sorry. This is a long post but there is a lot of useful info for new and old growers so, please if you have time, read this baby.

But enough of that, we're back, we're flowering, and we are in action! Let's get to it. This is a long one so roll a fatty or load a big bowl.

The backstory
About 3 weeks ago, I started seeing some awful leaf curl, which pointed to heat stress. And my tent ran hot for a while about 85-90F. That was my fault for moving plants to a new environment with out running some environment tests. I learned my lesson there. I also was running a closed tent with a 750CFM fan and carbon filter. Here's the kicker, I wasn't venting it at all. So that hot air was circulating and it wasn't good. On top of that my humidity started to rise something fierce. 80-85% and I saw it hit 90% one day.

I was out of my league. I immediately thought my CFL rig was too hot. And it was, but because there was no circulation. So we bought LEDs thinking it would clear things up. Well, the temp dropped and so did the humidity, but my plants weren't getting better.

I traded room temperature for lumen stress and never saw it coming. My plants started to literally fry. You'll see the after math below. And because I followed the rules on the package of keeping all spectrums turned on and 24" of height, I really caused problems for myself.

I apparently have some really powerful LEDs (5w) and didn't realize it. And no where on the packaging / manual does it suggest 5w LEDs, but after reading online, there ya have it.

But that's not all. For 7 days straight I did not water, because the temps were so low, and the humidity was still floating around 82% I checked the plants numerous times and they were ALWAYS wet. Even, with a soil reader. So I basically starved them. They never turned colors but they did start showing signs of calmag deficiency on low leaves. Finally, I gave up and watered with a pre-flower feed.

Flash forward 14 days, and here we are. We've done some ponytails, LST, even supercropped some branches. And we're looking a helluva lot better.


Temp: 80F
Humidity: 45-50%
I also run a 24/0 grow.

Last feed 9/18

Added to 2.5 gallons of spring water
pH @ 6.4-6.6 using strips so it's hard to get an exact.

Ea. Plant received 1/2-3/4 gallons

- FloraGro: 2.5 tsp
- FloraMicro: 5 tsp
- FloraNova Bloom: 8 tsp
- Calmagic: 2.5 tsp
- ArmorSi: 2.5 tsp
- Floralicious: 1/2

Here's the ladies:

The yellow/spotting is from the LED lumen burn. Essentially, they were sun burned. I took her off LST when I fed on Sunday and she took shape right away. Strong stems and branches.


She has been giving me some trouble. She was LSTd pretty aggressively and I even super cropped a few of her branches, including the Main cola. She looks like she has recovered but still struggling with the weird wrinkled/curly leaves. Not sure what's causing this, if you know please help. Other than that she is WIDE about 36".


Fruit, had a rough go in the beginning but is the best structured and healthiest plant I have now. She is still in LST and LoVing every minute of it.


White widow:
She was the first to start showing signs of leaf curl and heat stress, however, she has improved, she is still showing signs. Could be the volume of air moving in the tent. I'm going to turn down my fan tonight and see if that helps. I was worried she wouldn't grow. I thought she was stunted, but last week she launched. She has just started to pre flower, and she is a stocky lady. Her main cola branch is about 3/4" diameter, and she is bushy as hell.


And finally a group shot for comparison. In order from left to right. Roadrunner, Haze, Fruit, White Widow

Thanks all! Much love!

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn man! Everything is looking much better, they'll learn to love those led's lol. At least they better right?! And the setup is looking good too!

Thank you thank you! They are looking much better! And yes, they had better enjoy the fudge out of those LEDs!

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Great save your set up is nice the info is great I'm getting a led soon and would have did something valuable I do they look like they are going to be fine they are big plants:slap:
Great save your set up is nice the info is great I'm getting a led soon and would have did something valuable I do they look like they are going to be fine they are big plants:slap:

Thx for the slap!

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Nice save mate.... keep it up.

I think you said you were running a closed tent environment.... is that still the case, or have you vented to outside air? and if so... do you also have fans in/out?

Just wondering... as I run the later.... and interesting to compare.

(I need to rep slap some more - before I can slap you again bro... hold tight)
Nice save mate.... keep it up.

I think you said you were running a closed tent environment.... is that still the case, or have you vented to outside air? and if so... do you also have fans in/out?

Just wondering... as I run the later.... and interesting to compare.

(I need to rep slap some more - before I can slap you again bro... hold tight)

I'm now exhausting about 45% of the air. And no intake. Tried that but the temps go too low.

Notice how my exhaust vent only covers half of the inline. That's how I regulate temp and humidity. It works.


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lookin good bro....