Diagnose this train-wreck?

Jan 12, 2012
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Here is a picture of my auto that recently started flowering good.

The damage on the pics happend in about 3 days.

I am using FD's soil wit hthe exception of epsom salt. They are outside.

They haven't been fed extra really before.

Is this underfeeding?

Thanks for the input.

Hi Smelleo
before i even hazard a guess,or suggest a solution
any ideas as to soil PH

The pH is around 6,8-6,9 if my cheap pH tester is correct.
I always supply filtered tap water with pH 5.6 or something. I will try to get the pH down. Since the problem started when it began flowering heavely, I think you could be right on the problem.
Two things came to mind when I looked at it. That soil looks pretty dry (top has that light grayish dusty appearance). If you've let it dry out too much, salt buildup would cause all kinds of lockout/stunted growth/ leaf death. How old is it? When was the last time you flushed? Does your tap water have chloramines? If so, chloramies are not removed by RO, carbon, or sediment filters. You have to use either a UV filter, leave it in sunlight, or use an aquarium chlorine treatment to remove it. Chloramines cause all kinds of problems from hermies (affect hormones) to stunted growth to lockout. But since it happened in the last three days, I would think its rapid dryout of unflushed soil with too much salt buildup in it.
yup... ph must be in range... especially important in flowering:

ph vs uptake.gif
ph vs uptake 2.jpg
ph vs uptake 3.jpg
If you never fed nutes before it looks like N def. Treated soil will hold nutes for about 30 days, more or less depending on your watering.