Deodorizer for grow room?

Oct 31, 2021
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Hey friends. It has recently come to my attention, that after I leave the room I have tended the plants in, the smell leaks out and fills the house. It lingers for a while. I cannot have the house smelling. I looked up on the tent manufacturers website, and they claim that even with a carbon filter, odor can and will seep through the fabric and zippers. I am running a carbon filter, but unfortunately the exhaust is exhausted into the same room. There is not any way for me to exhaust it out of the room that I have to grow in. I am not sure if that would contribute to the smell. If anyone has any tips to reduce smell, or links for a good deodorizer or air purifier, please comment them and I would really appreciate it. I will put a bit of relevant info below in case it could help.

Lung room is in the basement. When you are about 10 feet from the lung room, you can start to smell the cannabis. When you enter the lung room, the smell is overpowering. The issue is, if I open the lung room at all, the smell just goes throughout the entire house and is noticeable as soon as you walk in.

My preference would be to not be able to smell the cannabis unless you are standing in the lung room, and in a perfect world, not able to smell it until after you have opened the tent. At the minimum, I need the house to not smell after I have opened the door to go in and leave the lung room.
Hi narmohare, I've never ever had issues with smells leaking outside of tents, so the tent manufacturers claim that it will happen is false in my opinion.

You have to make sure that all connections to and from the extraction fan, ducting and carbon filter are all properly sealed, then make sure you have negative pressure inside the tent..the walls should suck inwards and if they don't then this will contribute to a lot of leaks like you have described.

To achieve negative pressure inside a tent, you need to make sure the extraction rate is higher than the intake.

I use a passive intake and this makes it a simple process.
There is something wrong with your filter. Old, Leaking, too small etc. A good Carbon filter srubs all of the smell.

Are you running a dehumidifier?

If your not getting fresh air your plants will use all of the available Co² and will stall.
There is something wrong with your filter. Old, Leaking, too small etc. A good Carbon filter srubs all of the smell.

Are you running a dehumidifier?

If your not getting fresh air your plants will use all of the available Co² and will stall.

I am not running a dehumidifier currently. I have a perpetual grow and a large auto in flower in my 4x4, and a few smaller autos in early veg and veg in my 3x3. After this grow I plan to only do one plant or strain at a time so I can use the same environment and change it accordingly. My temps are about 80 and my humidity about 60. Could the humidity be what is causing the filter to not work as effectively? My filter is a 6 inch carbon filter inside the tent, hooked up to a 6 inch ac infinity fan as an outtake. My intake is a 4 inch ac infinity fan. The filter in this tent is only two months old, and this is the first flowering phase it has gone through.

As far as Co2, is there a good way to increase the amount my plants are receiving? I am a medical patient, and in order to comply with state law and have my garden stay legal, I cannot have the door to the lung room open other than if I am going in and out. The most important thing is the door must be locked. My lung room is tucked away in a corner of my basement, surrounded by concrete on 3 sides, and a door on the other. I have done a small bit of research about increasing Co2 levels, however it seems most realistic solutions for homegrowers don't work(like those hanging Co2 bags). So I am not sure what to do there, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The leaking could very well be a possibility. This carbon filter is basically the second I have ever hooked up, and I definitely could have done it wrong. My 6 inch fan is directly connected to my carbon filter. I rolled duct tape around the edge of the carbon filter until I was able to twist and slide the fan onto the filtering side of the filter. It seemed pretty reliable at the time, but that could be an issue too I suppose.
Hi narmohare, I've never ever had issues with smells leaking outside of tents, so the tent manufacturers claim that it will happen is false in my opinion.

You have to make sure that all connections to and from the extraction fan, ducting and carbon filter are all properly sealed, then make sure you have negative pressure inside the tent..the walls should suck inwards and if they don't then this will contribute to a lot of leaks like you have described.

To achieve negative pressure inside a tent, you need to make sure the extraction rate is higher than the intake.

I use a passive intake and this makes it a simple process.

Thank you for the reply friend. I think I will have to do a bit more research about properly connecting things. I think it is either that, or my high humidity contributing to the smell.
I'm on my 2nd grow with my 6" AC Infinity carbon filter and get no smell when the tents closed. What brand filter are you using?
On a side note, the slower you run your fan, the better the filter scrubs the air. I normally run my fan between 1 and 3 speed setting. But I guess it depends how much heat your light is throwing off.
I'm on my 2nd grow with my 6" AC Infinity carbon filter and get no smell when the tents closed. What brand filter are you using?
On a side note, the slower you run your fan, the better the filter scrubs the air.

I have got the same filter. 2 months old, and this is its first flower cycle. I am thinking the speed could be an issue too then. I always run the outtake at 10 and the intake at 4.
I have got the same filter. 2 months old, and this is its first flower cycle. I am thinking the speed could be an issue too then. I always run the outtake at 10 and the intake at 4.
Heat and humidity dictates what speed you need to run your fans. My present grow dictates level 2 fan speed to maintain 50% humidity and a temp of 81°
Get a quality filter and hook it up properly and don't run your fan too high(pull air too quickly through filter) and you should get 100% smell dissipation

Whoever says that their tent still gives off smell isn't doing it right or they have a crappy,old or faulty filter