deformed/stunted(?) should I continue ?

Break up your your weed and put on foil on a pan in preheated 240* oven. Bake 40 mins.

Now pick either unsalted butter, clarified butter, ghee, or coconut oil. I like ghee. 1oz weed to 1lb fat.

Crock pot on high until it's hot. Add 1cup water, check temp. Want to be between 180-200. Put on low.

Add fat and weed. Let it rock for 4 hours stirring gently once an hour.

Strain though cheesecloth. More you squeeze and stir, the greener it'll be.

Refrigerate overnight in a bowl. Once it's cool and hard drain the water off, pop it out of the bowl and wash the crud off the bottom and you're good to go :thumbsup:

At that point I'll melt it in a pot and pour it into these silicone butter mold things I have. Refrigerate and freeze. I also do the crockpot part in my garage so it doesn't stink up the house as much
Oven and crockpot method. Cannaghee
Thanks maybe ill try that I guess, ive seen different temps and times , but sounds like you've done this exactly before so maybe ill try it
and now im seeing I should be maybe saving all those little wads of weed coming out of my vaporizer as that is decarbed weed
an article I was just reading about quick edibles, the person says put the decarbed weed on a cracker with some butter or peanut butter
still learning, seems you need what he calls carrier fat with the decarbed weed to make it work/activate ??? huh

"Anything decarbed can be mixed with a fat and consumed.
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Thanks maybe ill try that I guess, ive seen different temps and times , but sounds like you've done this exactly before so maybe ill try it
and now im seeing I should be maybe saving all those little wads of weed coming out of my vaporizer as that is decarbed weed
an article I was just reading about quick edibles, the person says put the decarbed weed on a cracker with some butter or peanut butter
still learning, seems you need the he calls carrier fat with the decarbed weed to make it work/activate ??? huh
They're called firecrackers. Good with peanut butter and Nutella but you'll be picking that shit out of your teeth for hours. The already vaped stuff is for larger batches of oil since it's already 75% spent and you're just looking to extract the rest. You'd have to eat a half a handful of it. And it tastes like ass in edibles
Oh ok yeah I get it now , oven stuff is full go, vaped is scraping whats left ,,got it
man im still afraid its going to burn up in oven but ill have to try some time since ive got a bunch jared already
I think I read , once decarbed, you grind to powder and use for what/how ever, wonder would that store for long time in air tight container ?
or maybe best to make into butter/oil for longer storage

wonder What method best for long term storage and how long good for??
Oh ok yeah I get it now , oven stuff is full go, vaped is scraping whats left ,,got it
man im still afraid its going to burn up in oven but ill have to try some time since ive got a bunch jared already
I think I read , once decarbed, you grind to powder and use for what/how ever, wonder would that store for long time in air tight container ?
or maybe best to make into butter/oil for longer storage

wonder What method best for long term storage and how long good for??
You can decarb and save. Just make sure it stays dry. You can grind it up and sprinkle on pizza or whatever but you do you. Gotta be added to something hot with fat in it. I do butter and freeze and it's good for a long time. You could also do 1/4oz and a stick of butter at a time as long as you have a tiny crock pot. It definitely won't burn in the oven. I've done it more then a couple times. 240 is likely the lowest your oven has ever seen and it's only 30* above boiling. But if dried spices don't burn up at 400 in an oven, your weed is totally safe at 240 :pass:
You can also toss some dried buds in a saute pan with some butter or oil and whip up a quick pasta dish if you're looking for single serving. That's how I learned originally to make weed food before we had the Internet :crying:
Wow really??Thats so simple it never occurred to me
Wow really??Thats so simple it never occurred to me
Yup. Saute the buds for a bit and then just pull them out and you'll have infused oil/butter for the dish without having to chew it. Learned that from a friend I worked in a restaurant with when I was young. Weed was just mixed into brownie mix up until that point in my life:crying: