New Grower Deficienc, Toxicity or Sign of Old Age?

Sometimes when the plant gets older a few lower leaves will turn yellow and this is normal.The upper leaves should not do this until it is getting close to the end right before harvest.Unless the upper leaves continue to yellow I wouldn't worry.You should be using cal/mag during flowering if you have not used it.
Sometimes when the plant gets older a few lower leaves will turn yellow and this is normal.The upper leaves should not do this until it is getting close to the end right before harvest.Unless the upper leaves continue to yellow I wouldn't worry.You should be using cal/mag during flowering if you have not used it.

How much calcium do they tolerate? I'm afraid of using calmag unless you approve. Reason: my tap water contains 100 mg Ca/L. I use epsom salt ever 2 waterings. Today they got pure water with its natural Ca content.
It's really hard to give to much calcium.Where did you get the cal reading of your water?I'm not sure about mg readings because cal/mag gives percentage of cal not mg so I really don't no if your getting enough in your tap water or not.
It's really hard to give to much calcium.Where did you get the cal reading of your water?I'm not sure about mg readings because cal/mag gives percentage of cal not mg so I really don't no if your getting enough in your tap water or not.
The water supply to the city is analysed at every water station. The data is online. The County also tell you where your water originates from and wether or not water from different stations are blended.

My tap water is a mix of water from the two water stations labelled with the red line. The text is in danish, but most elements you will probably intitively understand.