Indoor db003 - Blk seeds - Sour Diesel Auto - White Widow Auto - super soil -MH/HPS

hello everyone this is your boy db003 and I am back at it again I planted 2 more blk seeds auto plants today!

I checked on the seeds and 2 of the blk seeds sour diesel autos were more then ready to be planted I had to be carful of the roots they were starting to show hairs and sticking to the paper towel lol

I checked on the last blk seeds white widow seed and it cracked a bit so I will give it and the last sour diesel seed one more day and if the dont satisfy me I will say fuck it and start 2 more seeds

4 out of 6 seeds germinating is not bad so far I still have hope for the last 2

I think I might have but more super soil in these pots then I did the ones yesterday but that's fine

more good news the seeds I planted yesterday have already broke ground that's awesome so I will call this day one from sprout for the first 2 of the blk seeds autos and I also moved the plastic cup to the seeds I just planted today

when I was watering my other plants in the back I gave a little squirt of water to the seeds that just broke ground just to make sure its still moist with my turkey baster that I use for just about everything from mixing water to getting rid of run off I love my turkey baster

day [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] from sprout for 2x of the white widow autos from blk seeds

hey everyone just a quick update on my blk seeds grow I got good news and bad news

first the bad news the 2x blk seeds I still had germinating did not make it so out of the 6x blk seeds I germinated 4x of them popped and were planted and sprouted and 2x were duds and never made it past the germination stage not bad germination rates if you ask

now for the good news the 2x blk seeds I planted just yesterday already broke ground one is still in its shell but should shuck it off by tomorrow

I also said to heck with it and went ahead and put the last 4 seeds from blk in water to germinate I did the germination in stages so I did not have to plant all the seeds at the same time to help cut back on the heavy lifting

the seeds I am germinating now are last 2x sour diesel autos from blk seeds I had and the last 2x white widow autos from blk seeds I hope all 4x pop so I can plant them all if not that is ok I just hope for a good germination rate

I was sent 10x seeds in total from blk seeds and so far its a germination rate of 4x out of 6x and lets see how the last 4x fair at germination

hello everyone its time for a update

so out of the last 4x seeds I germinated only 3x of them popped and grew tails so I got a total of 7x out of 10x blk seeds to germinate

4x of the white widow autos from blk seeds germinated and 1x was a dud

3x of the sour diesel autos from blk seeds germinated and 2x were duds

not bad germinations rates if you ask me

I just planted 3 more seeds today I planted 2x of the white widow autos from blk seeds and 1x of the sour diesel autos from blk seeds

so far 4x of the seedlings have broken ground and hope the 3x I planted today also sprout

I had to harvest one of the plants today that were sharing a space in the tent with the seedlings to make space so now there is only one plant left and it should come down soon

time for a update!

good news all the blk seedlings I planted have sprouted I was only able to get 7 out of 10 seed to sprout but that's not bad at all I gave them all a watering just enough to get the tops of the pots wet since when I planted them I gave the pots a good soak so them will be just fine

I gave them plain carbon filtered tap water that was ph. to 6.5 with citric acid crystals

I also took out the last flowering plant that I had in the tent from my last grow and harvested it I wanted to get it out so I could lower the light for the seedlings which I did I lowered it a few feet and since I took that plant out I have a space open for another seedling

I dont have any more blk seeds I so just picked out another auto seed to germinate to just fill in the extra space to make it a total of 8 plants the strain that I picked is stardawg from fast buds its one of the seeds I won in the fast buds contest

once the seedlings get a bit bigger I will make a seed sprout tea it will be my first seed sprout tea so that will be fun I did a worm castings tea from my last grow so I got a idea of how to make it

hello everyone its me db003 time for a update on my blk seeds auto grow in super soil

well I finally got everything on track in this grow I got all my seeds planted and sprouted I was going to go with 6x plants at first in this grow but decided to do 8X plants since I was able to squeeze them all in there

I did 4x plants in this grow tent in my last grow its a GrowLab GL80L Grow tent - 2'7" x 4'11" x 6'7" and I want to see if 8x plants is going to be too much and just stick to 6x plants I dont want to waste space but also increase my total harvest count

so my final strain lineup for this grow is

4x White Widow Autos from blk seeds

3x Sour Diesel Autos from blk seeds

1x Stardawg auto from fast buds

I wanted a all blk seeds grow but had some germination problems so this was a replacement to fill a extra space but its all good

I watered the all the seedlings today they got plain carbon filtered tap water that was bubbled overnight with a air pump and ph. to 6.8 with citric acid crystals and the stardawg seed I planted yesterday has already sprouted so this grow is in full swing

I will call this day 1 from sprout for the seed I planted yesterday that makes it so that all my seeds are a few days apart there all between day 1 and day 10 from sprout

lets see I got 2x in day ten from sprout 2x in day nine from sprout 3x in day six from sprout and 1x in day one from sprout

I love playing the mad scientist cue the spooky music Mwuhahahahaha all joking aside I am going to make a seed sprout tea / worm castings tea for my seedling to give that soil that they call home some help boosting microbiological activity in soil

so first I have a 5 gallon bucket of plain carbon filtered tap water that I am bubbling overnight with a dual outlet air pump to help get any chlorine that might be left over in the water after being carbon filtered just as a precaution dont want to slow down microbe growth when I make the tea

I plan on starting the worm casting tea in the morning so I can let it bubble for 24 hours before I use it

I already started the soak on the corn for my seed sprout tea I took 56 grams of corn seeds I measured out and put them in some plain carbon filtered tap water to soak overnight I will drain them in the morning when I start the worm casting tea and hopefully I will get some nice sprouts in the next 36 hours then toss them in the blender and add that to my worm castings tea

the only thing I plan on using is some worm casting a little bit of unsulfured molasses and the corn seeds if they sprout in time and that's it since this tea is for my seedlings and dont want to go overboard

this is a quote from "Clackamas Coots" about corn

Corn is known to be high in Cytokinins. "Cytokinins will increase the girth and tinsel strength of the side branches and stronger branches will produce larger and heavier flowers." -Clackamas Coots

Cytokinin Functions

A list of some of the known physiological effects caused by cytokinins are listed below. The response will vary depending on the type of cytokinin and plant species (Davies, 1995; Mauseth, 1991; Raven, 1992; Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Stimulates cell division.-
Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud formation) in tissue culture.-
Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical dominance.-
Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell enlargement.-
May enhance stomatal opening in some species.-
Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis

I be dammed if I know what half of that means lol all I know is that it is good I will post more info tomorrow when I start the worm casting tea and drain the corn seeds

part 2 of my mad scientist experiment

I took about a cup of worm castings and a tablespoon of unsulfured molasses and added it to the bucket of water and will let that bubble overnight I will use it in tomorrow morning

I also pored the water that the corn was soaking in overnight in to the bucket and now that the corn is drained I will let it do its thing and hopefully I will have some corn seed sprouts by tomorrow and then I will crush the corn sprouts up in my blender strain the corn chunks out and give the liquid only to the plants with the worm castings tea

hello everyone time for a update on my blk seeds grow in super soil!

I just gave all my plants a watering with some worm casting tea that I made about 3 gallons or so I used all of it on the plants

the are young plants looking good so far the corn seed I was sprouting for seed sport tea was not ready so I will let it sprout for 2 more days and use it in my next watering I water my plants every 2 days by the way

hello everyone time for a update on my blk seeds grow in super soil!

I just gave all my plants a watering with some corn seed sprout tea that I made about 4 gallons or so I used half of it on the plants

I will give them plain water for the next few watering's and wait until the barley I ordered gets here and will make a barley seed sprout tea for them in a week or so
