db003 Apple Fritter photo clone grow 7/31/21


Cultivators Club
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
hello everyone its me db003 back at it again!

about a month ago I went to a local hydro shop vendor day event with my mom to get some soil to make a new batch of super soil and a few other things like a tray and dome, root plugs and some new trimming scissors which I ended up getting for free.

my mom bought some regular photo seeds and a clone from one of the vendors. what my mom did not know was that the "clone" she bought was not a clone but was a cutting since it had no roots she paid 20 dollars for it. when I buy clones they better have roots for 20 dollars lol but anyway it was in a zip lock baggie when we got it with a paper towel wrapped around the stem.

when we got home I took the cutting and put in a root plug and put in a solo cup with plain potting soil and put in a tray with a dome that I just got thank the weed gods I just bought it when I was there because otherwise I would not be doing this grow.

I will not lie I had no idea if this clone would survive or not but I keep misting the leaves like every other day for weeks it took a full 35 days before I finally seen a tiny root poking out of the cup and was like hell yes I manged to keep it alive.

today I was transplanting my other plants so I decided to transplant this one while I had my closet open and was already transplanting plants that way I dont have to clean up the mess twice.

now I just have to wait and see how it does after the transplant one of the tiny shoots got pulled off during the transplant so I tossed in a root plug for shits and giggles and it will give me some much need practice with cloning.

this strain is Apple Fritter from Masonic Seed Company well at least that what I think there name was I for sure know the strain name but a bit iffy on who it was from but its all good.

it was transplanted in to a 3 gallon fabric pot with super soil on the bottom and plain potting soil on the top and like a inch of plain potting soil between the super soil as a buffer to not shock the clone.

I will call this day #1 of veg for this clone just to keep track of veg cycle

Your mom sounds like she must be one cool lady. And thanks for the bubble bowl review/how to video!
Your mom sounds like she must be one cool lady. And thanks for the bubble bowl review/how to video!

thanks for stopping by my grow journal and I am super lucky to have a awesome mom that I can smoke and talk growing with.

she is one of the main reasons I started growing in the first place and I am very thankful for it because I love growing my herb so much its like a life long dream to me. even way back when since I use to smoke in high school dreaming about the dank buds I use to see in high times.

glad you liked the video I almost forgot about that video myself lol its been a few years since I first made it. I still have them and have been meaning to use them but I have been giving all my trim to my mom so she can make butter with it. I might keep some trim and do a run with them.
hey everyone its me db003

just a quick update I gave this plant a little water maybe a half a pail of water just to get the top soil moist I can already see some growth since my last update so its all good.

hey everyone I have been lagging on the updates

this plant has grown a lot since my last update and just doing its thing its going to be huge by the time my other plants go in flower

well I have sad news I think I might have killed my vegging plant... :frowny:

in all my years of growing I never let a plant get this bad I straight up neglected it by forgetting to water it. at it makes me feel stupid because the dam tents are right in my room its not like they are hard to get to or water them for that matter.

I gave it some water before the lights went out earlier today but its still has not shown any signs of recovery yet I also sprayed the hell out of it with my spray bottle with plain water to keep the leaves from drying out and further.

to make it even worse its the plant that was the clone my mom got that took me forever to keep alive. at this point I am not sure it will survive the night and am super bummed out.

I took a small bottom branch that still looked like it had a bit of life still in it and tossed in a root cube to try and emergency clone it but even then my hopes are very low.
