Photography Day 66 time to harvest estimates?

I agree , she is not ready , as karlkutta said , just give her a good watering , you will be amazed at what you will see if you give her another 3 weeks as this is the time frame she will bulk up and ripen . :thumbsup:
Great guys thanks that’s a load off my mind :biggrin:

I’m just hoping the powdery mildew doesn’t effect the plant I seem to have spotted it early enough there were only a few small patches on a handful of leaves and near one of the lower smaller buds sites. Only problem is the milk stains all over the leaves now after spraying the milk gonna be harder to spot any mildew
Was with the plant today myself all good powdery mildew nowhere to be seen thankfully and took some proper pictures. A couple of the larger fan leaves were turning yellow/brown and were very floppy so I chopped them off it this normal close to harvest? Pictures attached


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Its just the plant sucking the nutrients out if the leaves. Its natural
If you still got about 3 weeks to go id increase some bloom.and grow this last week before just running plain water last 2. Looking good thoufh man. Getting closer.
Was thinking that alright just making sure.. I have grow, bloom and top max will feed her for the next week so I am up to 4ml bloom and topmax but some people have said lay off the grow near harvest as it’s a lot of nitrogen when plants are needing p and k for flowering is this nonsense?

I also seen people say only to give nutrients every second watering but I have been giving every watering and she loves it she reaches to the sky everytime. I watered today with just water to let her use up what’s in the soil abit before I give her some heavy feeding before flushing
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Looking good! Looks like several more weeks of growth, well, really fattening up. Don't think she will go any taller but those stems will have lots of bud.
Was thinking that alright just making sure.. I have grow, bloom and top max will feed her for the next week so I am up to 4ml bloom and topmax but some people have said lay off the grow near harvest as it’s a lot of nitrogen when plants are needing p and k for flowering is this nonsense?

I also seen people say only to give nutrients every second watering but I have been giving every watering and she loves it she reaches to the sky everytime. I watered today with just water to let her use up what’s in the soil abit before I give her some heavy feeding before flushing
Every plant is different also. I really enjoy the bio bizz nutrients for fact there so mild you can water every wateting snd dont have to worry about alot of salt build up. I agree i stop veg nutrients a little early too but based off your photos and yellowing of leaves i dont think your plant has an overabundance of nitrogen or alot to uptake. If you do choose to only feed bloom. Id hit her hard. The last few feeds when i feed mine i run 12-15ml a gallon. If your running liters then 4ml a liter is fine.
Last feed of nutrients was this on wednesday and she seemed to love it

Per litre
2ml grow
5ml bio heaven
4ml Bio-Bloom
4ml top max
2ml algamic

Yesterday gave plain water so I think she is going to get the same as above for the next 10 days then let her use up all the nutrients until harvest in around 3 weeks.

She does look a little pale so will give grow nutrients for a couple more feed.

Thanks very much for the advice man appreciate it.


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Np man for sure 2 weeks plain water. thats a pretty good feeding regimen already. I think the plants just at the end of her life is all. Just putting all energy those flowers.
Hi guys the weather has been terrible in Ireland the last couple days have been raining a lot and it’s getting closer to harvest.. I have no way to shelter my plant from the rain where there is airflow, the best place that I have is just in the door of greenhouse where there is minimal airflow and it is humid which would promote bud rot.

My question is how much rain is too much? I know it sounds like a silly question but for instance at the minute there is a couple of hours here and there without rain where the sun is shining and wind blowing the plant would that be enough between heavy showers to stop rot from setting in? I also get my mum to shake the plant after the rain


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