I agree , she is not ready , as karlkutta said , just give her a good watering , you will be amazed at what you will see if you give her another 3 weeks as this is the time frame she will bulk up and ripen . 

Every plant is different also. I really enjoy the bio bizz nutrients for fact there so mild you can water every wateting snd dont have to worry about alot of salt build up. I agree i stop veg nutrients a little early too but based off your photos and yellowing of leaves i dont think your plant has an overabundance of nitrogen or alot to uptake. If you do choose to only feed bloom. Id hit her hard. The last few feeds when i feed mine i run 12-15ml a gallon. If your running liters then 4ml a liter is fine.Was thinking that alright just making sure.. I have grow, bloom and top max will feed her for the next week so I am up to 4ml bloom and topmax but some people have said lay off the grow near harvest as it’s a lot of nitrogen when plants are needing p and k for flowering is this nonsense?
I also seen people say only to give nutrients every second watering but I have been giving every watering and she loves it she reaches to the sky everytime. I watered today with just water to let her use up what’s in the soil abit before I give her some heavy feeding before flushing