Jan 6, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow,Amnesia Haze. FP leaf shatter.
This is my 2nd grow. let me know what you think. my first grow was 6 Earlymiss auto's by CKS these are 4 White Widow & 3 Amnesia Haze auto's by CKS aswell. last grow day 60 they were more mature I feel tho. heres some pics from day 62.

the one with my hand over is the most mature looking and biggest top and its one of the 3 Amnesia haze's
Looks like a bit of foxing.. by that I don't mean foxtails just the very top of the cola pushing new growth.

This will slow down fattening and for me at least is a real pita.

Sativa's can be prone to it, I pinch the tips off to try and stop it (they will feel rubbery if you bend them)

What is your light type and temps?

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Get more light and they will be bigger.
Those are both longer running strains from my experience.. The widows I ran went almost 90 days.. The Amesias went at least 80.. I actually have one going now that is about 80 days and not quite there yet. A lot can change in 3 weeks!
The first 3 weeks and the last 3 weeks happen in an altered time zone in my mind. It is like when you were 15 and you could not wait to get a drivers license (long ago) then you wanted to be 18 and get out of your parents house, then 21 so you could go to the bar and 30 was fu@#$ old, then 50 over the hill and now 67 where the hell did the time go............ I digress. It just always seems to take forever for those buds to fatten up.
Found Some cool stuff at the Dollarstore, for 3.75$ I cant go wrong.. Cant wait to go get my new seeds. I'm going with Dutch Passion autoflower Glueberry OG & Colorado Cookies and starting 2 of each right away. Also gonna get A bunch of those 3$ autoseeds and a 20-25 pack of Regular Photo's for the summer time aswell and try and make some seed for myself for the next year. I live in Canada and altho its not as cold as people think its still cold and I want to find a fast flowering photoperiod indica strain. Any Recommendations?