New Grower Day 34 of stunted? WW auto small Microgrow

Jan 24, 2021
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Hi guys, first time grower here. My tent is a humble 30x30x70cm and I'm using a dimmable 95W full spectrum+ir LED board. Growing in a 5ltr fabric pot with biobozz allmix and is set up inside a cupboard.

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It is day 34 on the White Widow Auto and as you can see she didn't veg much at all. I may have caused this by overwatering while early veg or perhaps the light is too intense? Currently 11" from canopy. I've slowly increased the intensity from 15 to 50% where it is currently. I've been using Buxton bottled water which is pH 7.4 on bottle and 8.4 using PH meter. I use a small drop of apple cidar vinegar to bring the pH to 6.5 before waterings/feedings. Currently I'm giving biobizz grow, bloom and topmax with coconut water and aloevera gel.

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I also may have performed LST probably too early and stressed her into a faster flower as the pistols started to show quite early. Her height is 14cm right now and I've been bending her down sideways and trained the main cola to grow to the right, back then left. It is hard to see under all the dense foliage but there are many buds on the short stems with lots of thick white hairs.

I'd love to hear your input on this. Thanks.
Looks like you answered a lot of your own questions! Autos really like a smmooooth start. Over/underwaters can slow you up some. Time not spent growing is lost, unlike with our photo cousins.
One of the biggest issues I see with new grows is over training. Like anything else, it has its benefits, but if you take it too far, it can become detrimental.

In an open area where ceilings aren't an issue I like to top at node 6, and spread the satellites out.

Cabinet growing has it's own requirements, and training to stay shorter may be necessary, in those instances, there's nothing that's going to make up for your experience run to run in your area.
Eye on rH going forward... all that foliage, down so close to the container can be problematic.

Also, have you calibrated the pH meter? That sounds pretty high, and pH isn't measured in a linear format, it's on a bell curve like earthquakes. .5 can be a significant difference. Not a fan of using vinegar for down either...
The rH moves between 30-40% depending on how dry the soil is. It's actually a battle to keep the humidity up in this small tent due to the light which will bring the temp up to 28C at 50% intensity when the cupboard door is closed. When its slightly open I get a consistent 23C.

My pH meter is indeed calibrated and I kept the original liquids (4, 6.8, 9) and it was always accurate when I tested between those and my water/feed.

Should I expect any flower stretching or has that passed too? Would lowering light intensity cause any stretch at this stage?

Hard to say how much she'll stretch yet. Seems it usually slows down when the pompoms arrive, and your about there.

While dimming may get her to reach some, probably do more detriment than help at this point.

While lighting can effect a plants overall size, I don't get too tied up in it. Hard to imagine our measly little lights having more of an effect than el sol... as long as your not burning, and she isn't turning her leaves sideways to avoid the light, I think your fine. (Have had plants that literally turned the leaves 90* to the lights when she had enough.