Day 10 first grow


Auto Student
Cultivators Club
May 4, 2022
Reaction score
Hi first grow just wanted to see what I need to do to correct any issues I am, will, and might be having.
Day 10 just been giving distilled water. I feel like I was too cautious about overwatering I might have underwatered. Stem was leaning a bit had to prop her up with a paperclip. Vivosun ph meter was trash right out of the box, so the next step up was the Apera ph20. It just arrived today but I don't need to water yet. My next step until I think day 30 or so (since FFOF is hot) would be just to ph between 6.3 and 6.5 right? If I'm missing something please tell me and if anyone has a decent feed schedule using FFOF and the trio or any other suggestions it would really be appreciated.



3x3 tent
165w king led light (3x3 coverage)
Fastbuds - six shooter auto
5 gallon Fabric pots
Small clip fan
FF trio (not used yet)
Cal mag (not used yet)
With the OF in 5 gal pot I doubt you'll need to feed for 3 to 5 weeks, about the time she starts flowering. I use HF which is weaker and that is how it runs for me....Most likely between the OF and the nutrient trio you should have enough cal-mag and shouldn't need to add any. Seems like your doing good by your plant and it looks happy... :goodluck:
With the OF in 5 gal pot I doubt you'll need to feed for 3 to 5 weeks, about the time she starts flowering. I use HF which is weaker and that is how it runs for me....Most likely between the OF and the nutrient trio you should have enough cal-mag and shouldn't need to add any. Seems like your doing good by your plant and it looks happy... :goodluck:
She looks really healthy to me, and don't worry about having to prop her up that's quite normal. You've got the pH down and bill de cat is spot on re feeding. I use cannas root stimulator from seedling also, I've never not used it so I don't know the difference but it promotes root growth to make a stronger plant, I stop using about a third into flowering. You're doing great, good luck :goodluck:
She looks really healthy to me, and don't worry about having to prop her up that's quite normal. You've got the pH down and bill de cat is spot on re feeding. I use cannas root stimulator from seedling also, I've never not used it so I don't know the difference but it promotes root growth to make a stronger plant, I stop using about a third into flowering. You're doing great, good luck :goodluck:
I use the Mykos WP but basically same reason, better root development.
I use FFOF with FF Trio. I use water only till around week 4-5. The plant will start to drink more around then and/or yellow some. Then I'll usually give it one or two feeds of Grow Big at 5ml/gal to finish off veg. Sometimes it's a tad less or more depending on the plants needs. I alternate water and feed with 10-20% run off each time once I start using the bottle nutes.

Around then the flowering stretch should be done, then I switch to tiger bloom at 5ml/gal, again more or less depending on plant needs. Usually it's more than enough.

That's basically it, I add in some Big Bloom here and there with regular watering at about 1/4 dose. Make sure to always pH it after you add everything to 6.4-6.6, sounds like you're already on the right track with that.

As far as watering I tried everything in the book, the only thing that has worked for me is lifting the pots for weight. You'll quickly be able to tell if a pot needs watering or not based on how heavy or light it is.
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Thank you all so much for reaching out!
Ph20 arrived, slowly gave about a water bottle full of 6.5 around 8am california time. The whole pot had wet spots idk if that's considered run off but it wasn't saturated. She will probably be ready for more water monday morning by the way its drying up. Removed the paper clip and just been letting her do her thing, it was just really leaning the other day. Got some garden ties to start training her since Monday will be the start of week 3.