New Grower Dark Devil Auto in Aerogarden with 600w LED. Need help!!!

Sep 25, 2018
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very very little sour d
Day 7 after transfer from paper towel to MG grow pod. seed sprouted a small taproot.

It grew straight up but seemed to be unable to shed shell which was very hard after 5 days. I did some research and found many growers removing shell and membrane with tweezers.
I attempted this today and was able to remove it. I crushed it between my fingers and that shell was very tough.

So where do I go from here? My my 600w LED panel is 18" from suface of Aerogarden. The room temp is 75f. The resivoir temp is 78f. 228 ppm after adding 1ml of the provided nutes that came with Aerogarden. pH at 6.0 tested with GH kit. Does it look heathy? Is light too close? Can I leave humidity dome off?
I think you caught it in time....keep an eye on that forward from now. Take the dome off pronto as well. Let her ride.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Went home to eat lunch and peep on the babies. Ppm 295, pH 5-6? Res temp 77,room temp 75. The two front are Dark Devil Autos the rear is unknown seed found when cleaning my son's room after he moved out. Haha. It's doing better than the autos. I think the autos are in shock. From removing shells and handling
DDA#1on day 6

DDA#2 on day 4. Removed shell and membrane minutes after photo.

Unknown bag seed day 6



Set up 600w led,fish pump with two airstones.
Went home to eat lunch and peep on the babies. Ppm 295, pH 5-6? Res temp 77,room temp 75. The two front are Dark Devil Autos the rear is unknown seed found when cleaning my son's room after he moved out. Haha. It's doing better than the autos. I think the autos are in shock. From removing shells and handlingView attachment 962398DDA#1on day 6
View attachment 962399
DDA#2 on day 4. Removed shell and membrane minutes after photo.
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Unknown bag seed day 6
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View attachment 962402
Set up 600w led,fish pump with two airstones.

@steelcap956 Don't worry too much.....Dark devils are notoriously slow starters.....I researched the strain across three forums before I decided to make it my first grow. A lot of folks using various methods commented how slow she was to start. Just nurse her through the seedling phase and feed her carefully and she will eventually take off. Mine is at day 62 and just piling on the buds.....she is growing as a pure perlite hempy with Mega Crop as the main nute. Pictures are from yesterday. Good luck with your grow!
DDA  6  Day 61.jpg
DDA  6  Day 61.jpg
DDA  8  Day 61.jpg
DDA  7  Day61.jpg
@steelcap956 Don't worry too much.....Dark devils are notoriously slow starters.....I researched the strain across three forums before I decided to make it my first grow. A lot of folks using various methods commented how slow she was to start. Just nurse her through the seedling phase and feed her carefully and she will eventually take off. Mine is at day 62 and just piling on the buds.....she is growing as a pure perlite hempy with Mega Crop as the main nute. Pictures are from yesterday. Good luck with your grow!View attachment 962414 View attachment 962414 View attachment 962416 View attachment 962418
what a relief to hear that sir. Cheers!
Glad if I could ease your worries............will follow along if you don't mind....
These plant are so slow growing. My question is if I'm using bottled distilled water. Should I add Cal mag?. If so how much for 1 gallon reservoir?
These plant are so slow growing. My question is if I'm using bottled distilled water. Should I add Cal mag?. If so how much for 1 gallon reservoir?

I don't do regular hydro, altho' hempy is a form of hydro.....If your plants are under a week old or so you shouldn't have to add anything as far as I know.....In next couple of days you may consider adding 1/4 strength nutes and watch your plants response. If you have more questions or for more on Live Stoner Gossip....there are usually folks there that can help or know someone who can. Please try it is a good way to meet the people who can help
I haven't seen an aero garden grow in a while! I hope it goes well for ya! As far as cal mag.. You would follow the dosage instructions on the bottle. RO water has nothing in it, but most nutes have some form of calcium and magnesium in them. You need to check the nutes you are using and see if it already has ca and mg in it.
I an currently running no nutes. Just distilled water pH down to get to 5.5 5.8 and a drop of super thrive. I am gonna add .5ml of miracle grow liquid plant food which has cal and mag in it. I'll check in with y'all I. A few days unless something drastic happens tomorrow.