A nice microbial food source..Some people use it in conjunction with Epsom salt as a calcium and magnesium supplement..1 tablespoon of each to a gallon of water..It is also a good carbon source in compost teas...I myself use a combination of powdered, liquid and raw cane sugar.
Ivory' --- oh yes, it's a long time known Goodie for most any kind of garden! Unsulferated is necessary, otherwise there's some variations... Blackstrap, full/mild flavor,... the "heavier" full flavor type and Blackstrap have more nutrients in it than mild flavor versions,... molasses has significant amounts of Ca, Mg, some K, a little Fe,...all chelated naturally,... as for the sugar, that's really for the soil' microbes,.. from what I've read, roots don't absorb sugar molecules like that,. and I think some of the sugar types can't be absorbed anyway-? Point is, the 'crobes can feast on them, so they get a boost, feed/multiply,...that helps cycle and breakdown nutes and organic matters, which in turn benefits the plant!
It has it's place on my shelf, for sure.
But choose wisely
Blackstap is a favorite, but I never have found it locally. Bre'r Rabbit is my go to. Agreat source for Ca and magnesium, some awesome minor nutes as well.
I notice a better return on products like Orca with it, the sugar really feeds those soil bugsI tend to go light on it (no ryme or reason), like a tblsp per 5 gallons twice a month.
It's an unsulphered product.
Thank you all for the info! This is why I love AFN! Awesome people sharing great info.