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Doing well thank bud! OH hey....have i something for you to do later when you have some spare time ren and rosa!! Outdoor contests are all wrapped up and ready for some votes!!

Photoperiod Dry Bud Voting
Photoperiod Live bud Voting

Also time is running out for the Outoodr voting phase...only a few more days left, so if you havent got your votes in, now it the time!!
Auto Live Bud
Auto Dried Bud
Autoflower Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.
@rosa , heads up.
We will:d5:
Might need a ruling on my vote, though. I'd have to cast based on my better halfsdescription... might not be fair. Let me see how well the Missus can paint a picture:hookah:
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