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Evening Good AFN ....

this morning i visited the good @Dr. Babnik i brought a trifecta of Sour Bubbly, Red Dragon and Gorilla OG ... all potent in their own right :vibe:

we barely got his light balanced :headbang:

the he said ... try my mutant GG#4 .....

about to : :bighug:


the tric count on this is insane .... it dosen't really get dry... just gooey :worship:

hope u are having a good day :pass:

..happy now on a Harley putting thru the redwoods or up the coast
awesome!!!! Does the front end on the HD get squirrily between 105-115?? My springer does but im not sure they make a fork brace for this model... meh well, i posted it for sale anyway:frowny:
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