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Stoned smoke report
2.5 grams of decarbed wax chased with two tsp coconut oil and one tsp of lecithin is
Put me to bed thru this morning
I have never been that high, ever!!!!
Hey @Rebel is there a badge for this!!!​
@Frankthetank this might be the closest I've seen to the shot of gdt idea @iWumbo had lol.

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lmao bill nye save the world episode 2 or 3 ....
GMO's ....
with Monsanto rep talking about that plant stuff they just found that causes cancer... this was filmed before the announcement... praising this shiet such a contradiction... they should pull that..

I guess I should put the video lmao Netflix has got the footage cornered lmao
I'll be back, I gotta mix up some nutes for my rez. She's getting low fast these days. I just added 3 gallons two days ago, and it's gone. I love this, it means transpiration is in high gear, and she's gonna stretch, stretch stretch! I think I'm gonna break out the Macro photo gear too. I haven't had a day off with nothing to do in forever!
days of doing nothing man you cant beat it. shut the curtains, turn the phone off and crack the guitar out till my fingers bleed. theyre few and far between these days so make the most of it man : )
3.5 oz plus smoking for 2 weeks before it got cropped so about 4.5 in total .....hoping for a better show this time....ones huge and the others HHHHHMMMMM not as big but still a fair size

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thats brilliant like. best recovery ive seen yet. some effort there mate! whats the strains you got commin down? oh and also... look under my name!! yaaaayy go me hahah : )
Stoned smoke report
2.5 grams of decarbed wax chased with two tsp coconut oil and one tsp of lecithin is
Put me to bed thru this morning
I have never been that high, ever!!!!
Hey @Rebel is there a badge for this!!!​
Sounds like me a few weekends ago with edibles lmao.
New house on the market that might make a good one for the AFN commune for old pot farmers. Supposedly belongs to the dude that founded The Discovery Channel. A 22,000 square foot house complete with private grass airstrip and to crown it off an observatory dome and giant telescope. All for the low, low price of about 150 mil. :biggrin::crying::yoinks:

New house on the market that might make a good one for the AFN commune for old pot farmers. Supposedly belongs to the dude that founded The Discovery Channel. A 22,000 square foot house complete with private grass airstrip and to crown it off an observatory dome and giant telescope. All for the low, low price of about 150 mil. :biggrin::crying::yoinks:


Looks like something out of Star Wars.
could be a phosphorus deficiency, or just the pheno, low temps, shock... co2 sometimes
most likely temp dips....

Those are in line with the answers I've gotten over the years. I choose the Pheno and it's reaction to temps just like the flowers. It is often noted in ads for a particular strain known for its colors that results will vary based on temps. But that is just my pick of the options possible. I think it will take a real research project with lab work to solve this one. To find the trigger.
Okay boys I 'm going to give you another chance !! Whats your diagnosis . I'll give you a hint . It's rained here for many days off and on . :toke:
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Don't tell me it is in the shadow of the Ark you're building. It hasn't rained that much, It's just over watered. The clawfoot is the tell.
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