heya buddy sorry to hear about your dramas. hats off to you for going organic though. waay to much effort for me lol. looking at that pic and based on my own problems id say lack magnesium often causes the interveinal chlorosis and yellowing from the tips backward. lack of potasium can have similar yellowing effects so possibly a bit of both. its early morning and my diarys in the attic so cant double check but im sure thats right. the purple stems were phosphorous def for me but theyre a whole lot darker than mine got so i could be wrong there. im not sure if anything else causes purpling. i dont think so though. sure waira will pop in soon to blow me out of the water like he usually does anyway lol. do you check the ph of the soil actually? shouldve asked that first as it could all just be ph lockout. need to stop smoking first thing its nae gid for thinkin lol
So I figure it's getting close to midday for you folks across the pond.. I'm an early riser, and I ALWAYS tend to my indoor garden as soon as I get up.. It's a weird habit I've formed.. The wife doesn't get up to get ready for work sometimes hours before I'm up, so it's nice to have some "alone time with my girlfriends", as the wife says.. She's got a good point; the only female I'd ever be interested other than the Missus..
I digress..
I fed the big girl w/ about a gallon of tap water (which appears rich in Ca, but not Mg; not a bad thing..) but added about a half tsp of Epsom salts, 5ml of liquid kelp, 10ml of Hydroguard (root innoculant beneficial bacteria), 1/4 scoop of Great White, 1TBS molasses and some hopes/dreams... Worst case scenario, I fucking offed the plant and I feel like a turd.. lol I don't think I could've done too much harm with the mix, although I felt like I might've gone a little high with the epsom salts..
Time will tell!!! On the positive side, if I kill this thing off, I can start my Dutch Passion run of AutoUltimate, ThinkDifferent, CinderellaJack and Blueberry.. I would probably shut the grow down for a day or so to clean out the area and swap HPS bulbs..