Forgot to insert this.. I graduated in 98 as well!!! Good year, I suppose!!
Over on 420mag, there's a dude who guys by the name "Light Addict" and he does main-lining, but he calls it "fluxing".. If you search his name and that term, you'll find some great information!!! Yes, unfortunately a lot of his threads are looooooooooong but seriously full of great information!!
Good Morning everyone!!! So this morning is my turn to wait for the plumber.. That makes 4 service calls in 5 weeks.. Twice for split pipes, once for leaking hot water heater and once because we had air in the lines from when they purged the fire hydrants and all of the pipes were making some horrendous noises and we had no way to purge the air.. Anyway, this is one of those times that I'm glad that we're renting because at this point, the landlady is out well over $2000 just from all of the stuff that's happened in the last month.. Also, she has to pump the septic in a couple weeks, so chalk up another bill.. As much as I want to own my own home, it's times like these when I'm glad I don't!!!! lol Besides, now that growing is legal in MA, I've got nothing to hide!!! I do still get very nervous when she comes over because she's ole-fashioned and her recently deceased father-in-law was the chief of police for the town we live in.. Heebiejeebies... Every time.. lol