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Mephisto's Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#15[/HASHTAG] Skyrone Stomper :dizzy:


Hey guys I've been out of the loop for a while and I was looking for the Mush Room - you know, the hidden section where people could talk about magic mushrooms as well as some other entheogens.

I can't find it. Please, someone tell me it hasn't been deleted! Because if it has been deleted (and it's my own fault for only realizing it now), I've lost lots of valuable documentation that I never scribbled down anywhere else.

I wonder if there are still backups... :frowny:
Hey guys I've been out of the loop for a while and I was looking for the Mush Room - you know, the hidden section where people could talk about magic mushrooms as well as some other entheogens.

I can't find it. Please, someone tell me it hasn't been deleted! Because if it has been deleted (and it's my own fault for only realizing it now), I've lost lots of valuable documentation that I never scribbled down anywhere else.

I wonder if there are still backups... :frowny:
Pretty sure that section has been closed. Due to legalities.. not positive if anything can be retrieved..
The Fungus gnats are a nuisance. Their eggs hatch into larvae that can ruin your plants by eating roots. Especially young sprouts. Attack in two ways, Mosquito dunks. The "Bits" Derek mentions. They are sold in the big box home stores. They are loaded with nematodes that eat the larvae. Just soak a quarter piece in water and pour a generous amount into each container.
Second is a form of birth control. The tiny gnats hide their eggs under anything in the soil. They do not dig. A thin topping of a fine sand or Diatomaceous earth gives them no place to hide them so they move on.
Good luck.
Thanks Feenix, you and Derek have given me some great info on these little F*#$@&s. Beans haden't even popped out and they already took over.
its coming........ tssssss tsssssss tsssssssss...... cuhhhhhhhh cuhhhhhhh cuhhhhhhh.......... kahhhhhh kahhhhhhhhh kahhhhhhhhhh.......

gotta get back to yardwork.. building form for concrete
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