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Fostails, anyone? :jointman:

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Sure lol [HASHTAG]#flashyourfoxtails[/HASHTAG]
It passed after an absolute hammer down rain storm for 3 hours,, and blue skies on the horizon...we did get hammered and I checked out the test garden plants(which are perfect), and also checked the full sun garden plants and they made it though unscathed!....whew! I think i am getting of easy this round!! Heavy winds knocked off a tree branch that crashed through our tarp overhang over the outdoor kitchen...bent the post and ripped the roof...not too bad at all considering the potential.
Glad to hear there was just a minimal damage
Can you double check me on that one, Reb? Thought I had it but peeked in today since I haden't looked at the list in a while and didn't see it.


You got it Ozone!

@912GreenSkell glad the garden is safe! And of course that you're safe.. Most important thing!

Hot off the press! Introducing the first Mephisto Mugs on AFN!!


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