Hey AFN,
Early bud mold development I believe. I'm thinking it can maybe be spores as well, not exactly sure.
Sad to say I may loose my crop. This is from a small sample I took from an area close to where I removed a cola infected with botrytis. I have the rest hanging to dry ATM. The other cola's look good except for one small questionable spot, this could be amber crystals though.
I've read that bud mold can only germinate on wet plant tissue when the temperature is between 13-21 C . Also keeping under RH under 50% will prevent mold growth. I've been keeping my hanging buds in theses conditions just hoping for the best.
This is my first bout with botrytis, and it's been pretty hard to deal with for sure. I'm gonna be inspecting my nugs after drying that's for sure.
Any insight guys?