Evening all, I've been looking through amazon at some affordable cob lighting and have come across a brand called BESTVA they seem to have decent reviews, they do a 800w 1000w, 1200w, 1500w & a 1800w ranging from around £200-£300. They state they have pretty good coverage 'the 1500 apparently will grow a 6x6 area' although I'd be tempted to use two smaller lights rather than one large, anyway I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with these lights. Are they worth the money? I really want to try cobs but they do seem a touch pricey for a beginner, then again I don't want to buy shit either lol. I'm a 'mid range kinda guy' haha I use a vipaspectra 450 at the moment but I'm adding another room hence the need for new lights.
Cheers guys