1 gram of good quality bud with 1,5 cup of water low-steamed for 40 minutes without any preparations except mixing buds in a tea bag with rapeseed oil is the verdict as fallow:
I would say that was a to low high for me... if I would have smoked that I could be high all afternoon. For her it was a perfect start. She feel relaxed, shes hungry, she got a smile and the migraine disappeared. For small medical use for her it works, but for me, I would say no, I want it stronger. But for her first try at cannabis i think it was perfect, a very soft high. I will try it again tomorrow but going to decarb it first in the oven to see if it's make a difference. If its not strong enough ill go with an tincture. Sure I have enough buds to not grow for a year, but I want the get the most out of it. I'll check in tomorrow morning with a new test. Again - for a first timer it could work. For a heavy stoner it would be like just smell the smoke of a lighted spliff, basically.
It has a calming and pain-relief effect but it don't get you stoned, so don't waste your buds if your looking for a superhigh. For alternative medicine, yes. For stoners, no.