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We got sweet trichoooomes!
View attachment 790179
Help me out @Micron Creek, you know what I'm saying!
grodor some nice pics i tried that app on my phone do you use a microscope with it i tried a usb by otg on my phone but the images wernt great any tips also good afternoon stoner family
Pretty chill, wife and son are i´m free for AFN and later this afternoon @L0wbob2017 is checking by fixing up 2 COB´s of his spaceship and the party is going on in my grow room...:dancer:
Nice, the party just broke up in my grow room.. just a couple of scragglers left behind
grodor some nice pics i tried that app on my phone do you use a microscope with it i tried a usb by otg on my phone but the images wernt great any tips also good afternoon stoner family
Jumping in late but i have taken some quality pics using a $32 usb microscope off of the ZON! i use Mic Boom to hold it in place and always get a decent pic.
Photo on 5-1-17 at 9.50 AM.jpg
Photo on 5-1-17 at 10.01 AM #2.jpg
Photo on 5-3-17 at 8.18 AM.jpg
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