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She looks yummy! Hey it's probably been a good ten years ago someone said to me they had some G13. Did G13 start out as a single strain, then grow from there into a full fledged Seed Co.?
A story i heard about G-13 the strain is that it was a secret government experiment that leaked a super potent government strain into the general public.. i never heard of the government making anything unnecessarily strong( cept for taxes, kidding)
Freebie Finder Wednesday... free samples of Nectar for the Gods, pay shipping,less than 30$us and you will have a complete nute lineup,
Good morning stoners
I miss @arty zan
where you at ARTY!!!!!
safe treks my dude

Hey Mo, how's it going brother :bighug:missed you too :cheers:.
I've been away getting things back on track in my life, something which had to do to iron out the wrinkles that had arisen in my day to day life.
Hi to all that know me hope you all keeping well:d5::smoking:I had a scout around yesterday and there some bad ass plants being grown , props to yawl, they just keep getting better.
If you don't know me, I'm Arty pleased to meet you and I Iove a chat in LS, the best place on AFN for laughs and gossip, b e sure to say high, it's always nice to meet new members :bighug::pass:
I'll answer my PM's asap but I need to get life stuff done too, so please be patient while I get back on my feet.
Coming soon "Mephisto Double Grape, autopots & Biotabs"
Double Grape I have been dying to try for a while but now is that time and I am stoked to be finally getting it going.
3 beans have been cracked & potted up:smoking:.
I've had my autopot set up for years now but never actually got around to setting the system up, although I've been using the pots just as pot for several years now.
Biotabs have always intrigued me since I first heard of them and now I want a less hassle grow , that's is what I'm gonna use.
I'm looking forward to catching up on all the newe grows and all the new stuff going on in the cannazone, that should keep me occupied for a while. Nothing like a cuppa a vape and a good read to pass the time :smokeit::coffee::headbang:.



3 Double grape seedlings :smoking:

@mohawk warrior , I saw you ask a question about the autopot matrix disks and which way to use them.
Autopot give 3n different set ups for them -

Autopot Matrix disc set up - 2017-08-08_18-58-06.jpg

Seeing as I'm a belt and braces kinda guy I chose to go with method "C", just waiting for the postie to deliver them :cheers:.

One other change to my grow set up is I'm using "Growstones".
They've been available in the US for quite a few years now being a US product.
I'm using the GS2 "mix it growstones which are the smaller of the two different sizes, with GS1 being the larger hydroponics size.
As of now there is no where in the UK that sells the GS3 or the GS4 mixes, with GS3 and GS4 both being premixed with coco.
GS3 being an airier mix and GS4 being a high moisture mix.
Trying to find what ratio to mix GS2 with coco was a bit of a nightmare as I had to really dig around on their site to find out the info.
GS2 is a mixing alternative to "Perlite" GS2 is made from recycled glass and calcium and is highly porous.
It has a greater water and air holding capacity than perlite and it doesn't crumble to dust.
It also provides your plant with silica for strong stems and leaves.
Suggested ratios for mixing with soil or coco is 2 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 then going up to 4 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 (you can also do 3 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 as well)!
I've gone for 2 to 1 ratio as I like airy mixes to let the roots get lots of oxygen and seeing as it is in an autopot system there is always water at the bottom for the plants to utilise.
It's always a bit of a learning curve with new methods and products, so we will see how it all pans out and if adjustments need to be mad for future grows.
I'll be starting a journal soon and I invite you all to come and join me on my journey.
Big love arty zan :bighug::pass::vibes:

Here are a couple of good news stories, I'd like to share with you, the first story is fantastic for a European location and let all keep our fingers crossed the UK has the same success too one day, that would make my century:hump::goodluck:

Catalonia Spain Legalizes Cannabis Cultivation and Consumption

La Rosa Verda collected more than 56,000 signatures, prompting the creation of a paper in Parliament with contributions from over 30 cannabis experts. These included psychologists, sociologists, pharmacologists, doctors and a host of others.

The results culminated into this historic move, where growing, consuming and transporting cannabis will no longer be scrutinized by authorities.

“We did not want to do something halfway,” said Alba Vergés, Chairwomen of the Health Commission in Parliament. Vergés is referring to the famous “backdoor law” which existed for decades in places like Holland and Amsterdam, where selling marijuana was legal but cultivation was still run by the black market. That is why growing pot is included in this landmark decision by the Catalonians.

The new regulations say that cannabis clubs cannot produce more than 150 kg of dried marijuana per year. Each crop will require a sign-off from an agronomist to determine if the amount grown is in line with the amount consumed for each cannabis club.

When cannabis is being transported, club managers must have documents detailing the association responsible for the crop. As well, the identity of the carrier, the destination of where it’s going, the date, quantity, and type of product must be known; public transport cannot be used for distribution.

Although these new regulations are for the benefit of Catalonians who enjoy cannabis, marijuana tourism is not permitted. Because of this regulation, the new rules will stipulate that anyone who applies to be a member of a cannabis club will need to wait 15 days until they can partake in the club’s marijuana crop.

Anyone over the age of 21 can purchase up to 60 grams per month, and those who are between 18-21 are only permitted 20 grams per month, but the amounts do not apply to those who use marijuana for medical purposes. As well, these new regulations do not allow the consumption of alcohol in the cannabis clubs or marijuana edibles of any kind.

The cannabis clubs of Catalonia welcome this decision and hope that it will end cannabis arrests in the region. “The only thing we ask for is legal security,” said one cannabis club owner who asked not to be identified. “We have been working with one foot in the law for many years and another one out.”

The Catalonian government is aware that this new ruling can be challenged in constitutional court by the federal government in Spain. The Catalonian Parliament has publicly stated that consumption is legally their decision and that Catalonia is within its legal right to allow this legislation.

The significance of Catalonia legalizing adult-use cannabis for its citizens is nothing short of remarkable. It sets a precedent that acknowledges the failed war on drugs while simultaneously paving a better path for cannabis consumers in Spain and potentially other European countries.

But perhaps Alba Vergés said it best. “The law we will approve is very advanced and gives a very clear message. It’s time for a paradigm shift when it comes to legislating drugs.”

Congratulations Catalonia!

The Voices of Legalization in the UK Are Getting Louder

beginning of May, a UK doctor approved the nation’s first medical cannabis prescription, despite the fact that it is still illegal. The medicine was for young Billy Caldwell, an 11-year-old boy who suffers from intractable epilepsy.

Less than two weeks later, the Liberal Democrats announced the total legalization of adult-use cannabis as a campaign promise. This move was the first time a major political party in Britain had made marijuana reform a key initiative. At the same time, Prime Minister Theresa May suffered significant condemnation for what was perceived as ignorant “reefer-madness-esque” comments toward pot reform of any kind when she relied on the false “gateway drug” theory that cannabis use leads to harder drugs.

While the government and medical communities of the Queen’s nation continue to debate the issue, many police forces within the United Kingdom have made cannabis enforcement a low priority. The de-escalation that started a couple of years ago has reached the point where police are leaving polite notes for small illegal growers, rather than launching exhaustive investigations.

Most recently, longtime Member of Parliament Paul Flynn called on citizens to openly consume cannabis in front of the Parliament building as a form of protest against the country’s outdated drug policy. Flynn went into detail regarding his comments in an interview with a few days later.

Today, the MS Society in the United Kingdom has said there is sufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of cannabis as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. They too have called for the government to legalize the plant as a way for thousands of multiple sclerosis patients to see some sort of relief, without having to go to the black market to buy it.

Doctors who treat patients with multiple sclerosis have backed the call from the MS Society, as have the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party. The MS Society says that cannabis should be allowed for the 1 in 10 multiple sclerosis patients whose condition is resistant to pharmaceuticals. The MS Society estimates there are approximately 100,000 people in the UK with multiple sclerosis.

“We think cannabis should be legalized for medicinal use for people with MS to relieve their pain and muscle spasms when other treatments haven’t worked,” said Genevieve Edwards, the MS Society’s director of external affairs.

As for MP Paul Flynn, he continues his call to dismantle prohibition by announcing that he will be introducing a private member’s bill this October to legalize medical cannabis. The 82-year-old has not used cannabis in what he calls his “long, boring life,” but he is introducing the bill to end the “bottomless stupidity” of the UK drug policy.

In an interview with The Mirror, Flynn outlined the futility and ridiculousness of incarcerating people for cannabis, adding that “There’s a huge amount of money to be raised if you have a legal market. You’ve got money now that’s pouring into the black market for people who almost certainly don’t pay taxes on it.”

Flynn criticized the current regime for sticking to a failed drug policy that is trapped in the past. “They’re ignoring a mountain of evidence before their eyes that the drug laws are doing more harm than the drugs themselves,” said Flynn.

As patients, activists, government officials, police, medical professionals, and a parade of others scream at the brick wall of prohibition in the United Kingdom, the hope is that their cries will become loud enough to crumble the ignorance of yesteryear.

Thankfully, their collective optimism that something can be done is spurring a determination which is hard to ignore, and perhaps, impossible to stop.



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:smoking::headbang::vibe:View attachment 790252Good morning stoners View attachment 790253:vibe::headbang::smoking:

Hey Mo, how's it going brother :bighug:missed you too :cheers:.
I've been away getting things back on track in my life, something which had to do to iron out the wrinkles that had arisen in my day to day life.
Hi to all that know me hope you all keeping well:d5::smoking:I had a scout around yesterday and there some bad ass plants being grown , props to yawl, they just keep getting better.
If you don't know me, I'm Arty pleased to meet you and I Iove a chat in LS, the best place on AFN for laughs and gossip, b e sure to say high, it's always nice to meet new members :bighug::pass:
I'll answer my PM's asap but I need to get life stuff done too, so please be patient while I get back on my feet.
Coming soon "Mephisto Double Grape, autopots & Biotabs"
Double Grape I have been dying to try for a while but now is that time and I am stoked to be finally getting it going.
3 beans have been cracked & potted up:smoking:.
I've had my autopot set up for years now but never actually got around to setting the system up, although I've been using the pots just as pot for several years now.
Biotabs have always intrigued me since I first heard of them and now I want a less hassle grow , that's is what I'm gonna use.
I'm looking forward to catching up on all the newe grows and all the new stuff going on in the cannazone, that should keep me occupied for a while. Nothing like a cuppa a vape and a good read to pass the time :smokeit::coffee::headbang:.

View attachment 790256
View attachment 790257
3 Double grape seedlings :smoking:

@mohawk warrior , I saw you ask a question about the autopot matrix disks and which way to use them.
Autopot give 3n different set ups for them -

View attachment 790258 :thumbsup::smoking::d5:

Seeing as I'm a belt and braces kinda guy I chose to go with method "C", just waiting for the postie to deliver them :cheers:.

One other change to my grow set up is I'm using "Growstones".
They've been available in the US for quite a few years now being a US product.
I'm using the GS2 "mix it growstones which are the smaller of the two different sizes, with GS1 being the larger hydroponics size.
As of now there is no where in the UK that sells the GS3 or the GS4 mixes, with GS3 and GS4 both being premixed with coco.
GS3 being an airier mix and GS4 being a high moisture mix.
Trying to find what ratio to mix GS2 with coco was a bit of a nightmare as I had to really dig around on their site to find out the info.
GS2 is a mixing alternative to "Perlite" GS2 is made from recycled glass and calcium and is highly porous.
It has a greater water and air holding capacity than perlite and it doesn't crumble to dust.
It also provides your plant with silica for strong stems and leaves.
Suggested ratios for mixing with soil or coco is 2 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 then going up to 4 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 (you can also do 3 parts soil/coco to 1 part GS2 as well)!
I've gone for 2 to 1 ratio as I like airy mixes to let the roots get lots of oxygen and seeing as it is in an autopot system there is always water at the bottom for the plants to utilise.
It's always a bit of a learning curve with new methods and products, so we will see how it all pans out and if adjustments need to be mad for future grows.
I'll be starting a journal soon and I invite you all to come and join me on my journey.
Big love arty zan :bighug::pass::vibes:

Here are a couple of good news stories, I'd like to share with you, the first story is fantastic for a European location and let all keep our fingers crossed the UK has the same success too one day, that would make my century:hump::goodluck:

Catalonia Spain Legalizes Cannabis Cultivation and Consumption

La Rosa Verda collected more than 56,000 signatures, prompting the creation of a paper in Parliament with contributions from over 30 cannabis experts. These included psychologists, sociologists, pharmacologists, doctors and a host of others.

The results culminated into this historic move, where growing, consuming and transporting cannabis will no longer be scrutinized by authorities.

“We did not want to do something halfway,” said Alba Vergés, Chairwomen of the Health Commission in Parliament. Vergés is referring to the famous “backdoor law” which existed for decades in places like Holland and Amsterdam, where selling marijuana was legal but cultivation was still run by the black market. That is why growing pot is included in this landmark decision by the Catalonians.

The new regulations say that cannabis clubs cannot produce more than 150 kg of dried marijuana per year. Each crop will require a sign-off from an agronomist to determine if the amount grown is in line with the amount consumed for each cannabis club.

When cannabis is being transported, club managers must have documents detailing the association responsible for the crop. As well, the identity of the carrier, the destination of where it’s going, the date, quantity, and type of product must be known; public transport cannot be used for distribution.

Although these new regulations are for the benefit of Catalonians who enjoy cannabis, marijuana tourism is not permitted. Because of this regulation, the new rules will stipulate that anyone who applies to be a member of a cannabis club will need to wait 15 days until they can partake in the club’s marijuana crop.

Anyone over the age of 21 can purchase up to 60 grams per month, and those who are between 18-21 are only permitted 20 grams per month, but the amounts do not apply to those who use marijuana for medical purposes. As well, these new regulations do not allow the consumption of alcohol in the cannabis clubs or marijuana edibles of any kind.

The cannabis clubs of Catalonia welcome this decision and hope that it will end cannabis arrests in the region. “The only thing we ask for is legal security,” said one cannabis club owner who asked not to be identified. “We have been working with one foot in the law for many years and another one out.”

The Catalonian government is aware that this new ruling can be challenged in constitutional court by the federal government in Spain. The Catalonian Parliament has publicly stated that consumption is legally their decision and that Catalonia is within its legal right to allow this legislation.

The significance of Catalonia legalizing adult-use cannabis for its citizens is nothing short of remarkable. It sets a precedent that acknowledges the failed war on drugs while simultaneously paving a better path for cannabis consumers in Spain and potentially other European countries.

But perhaps Alba Vergés said it best. “The law we will approve is very advanced and gives a very clear message. It’s time for a paradigm shift when it comes to legislating drugs.”

Congratulations Catalonia!

The Voices of Legalization in the UK Are Getting Louder

beginning of May, a UK doctor approved the nation’s first medical cannabis prescription, despite the fact that it is still illegal. The medicine was for young Billy Caldwell, an 11-year-old boy who suffers from intractable epilepsy.

Less than two weeks later, the Liberal Democrats announced the total legalization of adult-use cannabis as a campaign promise. This move was the first time a major political party in Britain had made marijuana reform a key initiative. At the same time, Prime Minister Theresa May suffered significant condemnation for what was perceived as ignorant “reefer-madness-esque” comments toward pot reform of any kind when she relied on the false “gateway drug” theory that cannabis use leads to harder drugs.

While the government and medical communities of the Queen’s nation continue to debate the issue, many police forces within the United Kingdom have made cannabis enforcement a low priority. The de-escalation that started a couple of years ago has reached the point where police are leaving polite notes for small illegal growers, rather than launching exhaustive investigations.

Most recently, longtime Member of Parliament Paul Flynn called on citizens to openly consume cannabis in front of the Parliament building as a form of protest against the country’s outdated drug policy. Flynn went into detail regarding his comments in an interview with a few days later.

Today, the MS Society in the United Kingdom has said there is sufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of cannabis as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. They too have called for the government to legalize the plant as a way for thousands of multiple sclerosis patients to see some sort of relief, without having to go to the black market to buy it.

Doctors who treat patients with multiple sclerosis have backed the call from the MS Society, as have the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party. The MS Society says that cannabis should be allowed for the 1 in 10 multiple sclerosis patients whose condition is resistant to pharmaceuticals. The MS Society estimates there are approximately 100,000 people in the UK with multiple sclerosis.

“We think cannabis should be legalized for medicinal use for people with MS to relieve their pain and muscle spasms when other treatments haven’t worked,” said Genevieve Edwards, the MS Society’s director of external affairs.

As for MP Paul Flynn, he continues his call to dismantle prohibition by announcing that he will be introducing a private member’s bill this October to legalize medical cannabis. The 82-year-old has not used cannabis in what he calls his “long, boring life,” but he is introducing the bill to end the “bottomless stupidity” of the UK drug policy.

In an interview with The Mirror, Flynn outlined the futility and ridiculousness of incarcerating people for cannabis, adding that “There’s a huge amount of money to be raised if you have a legal market. You’ve got money now that’s pouring into the black market for people who almost certainly don’t pay taxes on it.”

Flynn criticized the current regime for sticking to a failed drug policy that is trapped in the past. “They’re ignoring a mountain of evidence before their eyes that the drug laws are doing more harm than the drugs themselves,” said Flynn.

As patients, activists, government officials, police, medical professionals, and a parade of others scream at the brick wall of prohibition in the United Kingdom, the hope is that their cries will become loud enough to crumble the ignorance of yesteryear.

Thankfully, their collective optimism that something can be done is spurring a determination which is hard to ignore, and perhaps, impossible to stop.

Arty buddy, how you doin man?? Glad to see you back around. Life has a way of grabbing your short hairs and giving them a twist now and then.. it'll loosen up in time.. Woohoo Arty's back:yay:
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