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Hey , what books have you read regarding cannabis and which are your favorites ? I want some books some I'm not looking at a small bright ass LED an LCD and I like referencing things out of a book
Hey there, I've got Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis: An Expert Breeder Shares His Secrets, Marijuana Botany by Robert C. Clarke, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes, and Marijuana Growers Handbook by Ed Rosenthal. I plan on getting Beyond Buds by Ed Rosenthal, it's all about extractions. The only 2 physical books I have are the Harvest book and Dj Shorts, I have the rest on my cellphone (Kindle) it's convenient, but I like physical books too. Plan on getting them all again lol the Kindle versions are cheaper though, good way to check out a book before spending $20+ in my opinion. I don't think you would regret buying any of them. True alot of the info is free online hell even some if not all of the books too, but I like books and supporting these guys, if it wasn't for them we probably wouldn't be where we're at now as far as cannabis goes.
'Morning @johnp540 !! You're absolutely right!!! I kept thinking it was July, but we're already a week into August!! Still haven't done everything I wanted to, but it's okay!!!
Tell me about it, I had a few goals I didn't reach for July lol oh well. I was just speaking about books, I learned in one that I'm Reading, that you accept failure. Here's a quote.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” —Robert F. Kennedy (1925—1968)
It's a good book. I recommend it to any and everyone.
'Morning @johnp540 !! You're absolutely right!!! I kept thinking it was July, but we're already a week into August!! Still haven't done everything I wanted to, but it's okay!!!
haha i lose the odd day when i blast too much but never smoked enough to be a month off!
haha i lose the odd day when i blast too much but never smoked enough to be a month off!
i have plenty of days like that pal also what the hell is this weather about all rain the whole or most of the summer gotta be one of the worsed in the uk or maybe i just think it having outside plants for the first time
Anyone here used Air-Pots?

They look easier to clean and more durable than the smart-pots I have been using so I ordered some 3gal from Amazon.

I am curious about soil leakage on the bottom- how can I prevent that?
aquarium grade silicone... for the win!!
Tell me about it, I had a few goals I didn't reach for July lol oh well. I was just speaking about books, I learned in one that I'm Reading, that you accept failure. Here's a quote.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” —Robert F. Kennedy (1925—1968)
It's a good book. I recommend it to any and everyone.
View attachment 789875
Good Morning A.F.N.
Thank you Mr. Kennedy that would make me at the very least a " genius " :thumbsup:
Hey there, I've got Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis: An Expert Breeder Shares His Secrets, Marijuana Botany by Robert C. Clarke, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes, and Marijuana Growers Handbook by Ed Rosenthal. I plan on getting Beyond Buds by Ed Rosenthal, it's all about extractions. The only 2 physical books I have are the Harvest book and Dj Shorts, I have the rest on my cellphone (Kindle) it's convenient, but I like physical books too. Plan on getting them all again lol the Kindle versions are cheaper though, good way to check out a book before spending $20+ in my opinion. I don't think you would regret buying any of them. True alot of the info is free online hell even some if not all of the books too, but I like books and supporting these guys, if it wasn't for them we probably wouldn't be where we're at now as far as cannabis goes.

man... buy the books
music is one thing to download... but books... someone went threw a lot of trouble to compile them notes
That would defeat the purpose.. after you water a couple times the soil doesn't leak much..maybe a tsp or so when you move it around..
not even gonna lie I seen water and leakage... then answered.. still making my java
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