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evening all. anyone know about water quality? this is my tap water. will i still need to leave it out for 24hrs before using it?


i've done a test myself and it seems pretty accurate.
Im in the uk ,and ours are available from regional councils ,very thorough and accurate

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If it looks like a disaster ,smells like a disaster and taste like a disaster than it must be a disaster right ?? Not so my friends . It would take to much time to explain . All I can say it's a combo of weed , Polish Vodka and some PG but it hits like a Mack truck . :crying:
Dabstorm 2.0 is great @St. Tom!

I'll make bho asap. I have smoked crude bubble hash, dry sift and commercial hash on it and it works just very very well!
I don't recommend using commercial hash, though. It contains too many adulterations that leaves a hard ash.

I'll type up a show case for you.
yes i followed your link great product i a have copd lung issues so i bought a firefly i cant be having anything burning my throat or lungs does your hit ya throat hard the firefly for wax is so nice its a ballache for buds
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